Cinncinati Baby!

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"Thanksgiving with your family wasn't that bad" Finn shrugged while packing up the car

"Finn don't say that, I still have a migraine from Suzette's screaming at me, Dan, Aunt Shirley, and then me again" I remind him

"At least she didn't call you the pasty white ghost faced Pillsbury dough boy" Finn mumbled traumatized

I pat his back in comfort

"Sorry Finn, but at least I defended you after that one," I shrug in hope

"Yeah and then she yelled at you again" Finn winced in memory

"Well any tips and tricks for when I meet your family" I asked him

"Nothing too scandalous like finding out Dan was having an affair with your cousin Millie, but maybe don't insult my moms cooking and you'll be good" Finn shrugged

"Alright, I trust you" I say while closing the door from his truck

I can't believe he still managed to rent a truck, of all the car options we had.

"Let me just go say goodbye to my dads, and we should be good to go" I inform him

"Oh I'll say goodbye to them too," he tagged along

"I don't know how you managed to be friends with that man" I sighed

"Hey your dads a pretty cool dude" he shrugged

I laughed at him, remembering them both singing along to Bon Jovi during karaoke two nights ago. My dad really seemed to like Finn, probably more than me at this point. Too bad he'll never see him again in this context.

"Oh blueberry, you leaving already?" My papa asked

"We have to leave now so we can beat the snow" I informed them since we're driving up to his parents house

"Even more reason you two should just stay," my daddy tried to persuade

"Maybe next time we'll stay longer" Finn shook their hands

That caught me off guard and I glanced at him smiling at my dads and shaking their hands.

"Yeah, but I promised Finns mom, we'd spend Christmas with them since we spent thanksgiving and Hanukah here" I told them sadly

"Fine" my dads hugged me and then Finn "but don't be shy in visiting!" They shout as we get in the car

I smile and wave as Finn backs out of the driveway. These past two weeks wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Finn got along with my parents, my family loved him. Well except for Suzette but she doesn't like anybody. Thank god I won't be seeing her for Christmas Day. I can't believe the nerve on that woman,

Flashback to dinner,
"So cousin, how did you manage to hold down this fine piece of specimen" she smiled

Finn was sitting next to me and he had to place his hand on my thigh for me to calm down because I had stabbed a fork into the table.

"Not that it's any of your business, but I met him at work" I explain

"And he still wanted to go out with you? What'd you do pay him?" She chucked

My aunt Diane nearly spit out her drink as Suzette's children giggled.

"Susie that's enough" my aunt Shirley scolded her

We both ignored her as I spoke up,

"No Suzette, he actually likes me, which I'm afraid, I can't say the same about you and your husband" I smiled back

"Rachel!" My papa shouted

"Pass the wine" Millie mumbled

"Oh shut up you whore!" Suzette shouted at her in frustration

I glanced at Finn who was trying to hide a laugh, and I smiled a little because I thought he would be embarrassed by my outburst but he seems to be impressed instead.
End of flashback

Although I guess she was right about one thing,

"Ugh" Finn sighed as I saw him check his phone

I glanced at it and saw three missed calls from olive and too many messages from her,

"You still haven't spoken to her?" I ask while making sure to stare out the window

"No I haven't, last time I did she told me she might stay married a little longer" he sighed some more "honestly I don't even care anymore" he mumbled

I chose to ignore the last part,

"On the bright side, we could end this as soon as I get paid from Broadway contracts, " I tell him straightforward

Lately it seems as if we've both forgotten that this is all suppose to be pretend,

"Yeah, uh, I guess" he agreed

Three hours into the road trip:
Finn POV
Rachel knocked out after we stopped by for gas. I glance at her every now and then, especially since she snores so loud. She still looks peaceful despite the giant sound coming from her mouth. I know I shouldn't feel the way I do for her but after these two weeks I know I definitely have to tell her how I feel.

She just looks so peaceful and she finally stopped snoring a few minutes ago...oh wait I lied she's still going.

"I know you're sleeping right now, well I mean who wouldn't, you snore so loud I think half of Ohio heard you," I start off with a laugh "but I have to confess something to you and I know it's really, really bad timing but I have to tell you. Especially since you're going to meet my family, but these past eight months, have been the happiest of my whole life. Which yes I know is pretty sad but you make me feel so many things I didn't know I could. In the beginning a lot of it was guilt and annoyance and that lasted a while and then it was anger because you always told me the truth but that's just what you do, you tell me what I need to hear not what I want too. You have a way with words, I obviously don't since I've been rambling for the past five minutes. But Damn it Rachel, I love you"

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