Halloween Bash

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"How in the world.."

Mercedes didn't even finish her question when she saw Finn and Rachel walk in,

"I got batman and wonder woman as our costumes since I know he likes them so much but Finn just had to ruin it by proposing grease instead" Rachel pouted

"In what way you did he ruin it, you weirdo, you guys look amazing!" Kurt exclaimed

"Because now I have to fulfill my end of the deal" I pout

"She's just being dramatic" Blaine smiled at Kurt

Both were staring at each other pretty intensely and Finn and I looked at each other and laughed.

"Ehm" Finn coughed

"Oh right, drinks and food are over there" Kurt pointed to the giant table in the back "
I have to go show Blaine the ice sculpture of classic horror villains so bye" Kurt added

Finn and I glanced at each other and burst out laughing as they walked away hand in hand. I guess I'm not mad at him anymore. He did pick out incredible costumes.

"Care to dance m'lady" he extended a hand

"Why of course good sir" I responded in the same obnoxious accent

We made it to the dance floor and let me tell you, Finn is still a terrible dancer. But at least now he has the confidence to not care like before. So this is pretty amusing.

"I guess I can forgive you for lying to me" I shout through the music

"Technically I didn't lie" he shrugged

"No, you just withheld very important information," I shouted

"Which is just as bad, yeah okay I see your point" he agreed in defeat

I smiled despite it all and we just kept dancing. We didn't leave until after the remix of the monster mash came on. Finn was all red and sweaty and I don't know how I found that cute.

"Here drink some water you sweaty blob" I laugh at him

"Thanks" he smiles and takes it

I drink some water too and look around, I don't see Kurt or Blaine anywhere. I see Finn grab some alcohol and grin.

"Fine but we're only drinking two, max" I tell him stern

"Whatever you say boss" Finn smiles

Four drinks later and they see Santana walking around with Mercedes. Finn and Rachel were joined at the hip and giggling and laughing.

"Hey guys" Mercedes smiled confused

"We just,"
"We saw-"

Both Finn and Rachel spoke at the same time and start laughing again. Santana was trying to figure out what they were doing and what was going on as Mercedes stood there amused.

"You tell them" Finn said, trying to keep from laughing

"Okay, okay okay" Rachel tried to say serious but burst out laughing

Both of them looked at each other and started laughing. Neither could say a word. Soon after Blaine and Kurt ran towards them both, burning red. Finn saw and tapped Rachels shoulder, where his hand already laid. She giggled some more and faced back to Mercedes and Santana,

"We walked in on them!" Rachel shouted as Finn burst out laughing

"Let's go get some more drinks babe," Finn chucked and Rachel nodded while holding onto his arm over her

Kurt huffed as Santana and Mercedes started laughing too.

"It's not funny!" Blaine shouted at them

"I think what makes it all the more hilarious is how drunk those two are" Mercedes laughed and walked away

Santana's laughter died down when she realized how close those two were. Blaine and Kurt were looking in their direction too.

"50 bucks says we might walk in on them later tonight" Kurt said bitter

"I guess we'll have to see babe" Santana replied unsure

Later that night
"Finn, lets..go" Rachel whines

He lets her drag them to an empty room. The music sounds kind of far and they both stare at each other drunkenly. Finn was thinking how pretty she looked with her hair curled up and that those black leather pants weren't helping his sad case of being hopelessly devoted to her.

"I know ...this all pretend but you so good to me" Rachel slurred happy

Finn smiled at her,

"It's not pretend for me.,in fact!" He made a startling discovery "I liked my time with youuuu, better than Olive" he confessed

Rachel was slowly starting to recover from the alcohol when he said that,

"Ww-what'd say" she asked him

Finn stared in adoration, he even decided to lean in. Rachel didn't back away like he thought she would. In fact, she was kind of looking ready to kiss. Finn was nearly inches away,

But as soon as he saw her eyes he backed away,

"No, not like this, I want to be sober , when I kiss you for realz" he regretted saying

Rachel smiled and nodded, she collapsed on the bed with Finn. Soon after she placed her hand on his cheek as he looked desperately into her eyes,

"It stopped being pretend for me too, a looooonggg time ago, you're like my real friend" she smiled at him "I even think......that I'm really sleepy" Rachel decided to say instead of what she was truly feeling

Both thought they were too drunk to admit anything so they laid together in a random room. Finn wanted to kiss her, so very much, but not drunk. He wanted their first real kiss, away from the cameras to be sober and extraordinary. Just like everything else about Rachel. But Rachel didn't want to admit the truth because she was scared of rejection and her own feelings. So instead they laid there, sleeping.

"How are they only sleeping? I thought for sure there'd be some action" Blaine whispered in the doorway

"Ew that's my brother" Kurt whispered "but I still agree" he confessed

"Drunk or not, they're still careful with each other but I don't think that'll last very soon" Santana whispered last

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