Decoding Rachel Berry

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I was waiting outside the studio around five waiting for Blaine to pick me up. I should really invest in a car now that I have to drive to three different places.

"Today was fun"

I turn to see Chris waiting beside me, we didn't have to practice kissing today but Richard said we will next time. I am so not going to lie but I'm extremely excited for that.

"Yeah, it was nice getting to know everyone" I shrugged

"I heard you have a boyfriend," he questions

I sigh a little and play it off with a laugh,

"Yeah, dating almost three months now" I nod in confirmation

"How does he let such a beautiful woman like yourself sing and potentially kiss someone else?" He chuckles

I blush again, even though I swore I would stop after the fifth time today. Except he's making it extremely hard not too.

"It's part of our jobs I guess, so he understands" I explain, getting shy all of a sudden

"Well if I were him, I wouldn't let anyone kiss you but me" he flirted

I had to stop from turning red, and luckily Blaine finally arrived by honking at me. Chris smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back and part my hair behind my ear again to keep from doing something dumb. I waved goodbye from the car and he smiled even more.

"What the hell was that" Blaine asked

"What was what?" I asked him

"That gorgeous man was flirting with you and you seemed to enjoy it" he teased

"So?" I laughed with a snort

"Sooo, you're suppose to be dating Finn who I thought you liked considering how I found you two a couple nights ago" Blaine pointed out

"Finn and I are just two friends in a fake relationship with no real feelings toward each other and that night was an accident" I shrug

Now Blaine was the one to laugh with a snort. He glanced at me as he drove,

"How do you accidentally fall asleep with someone?" He asked me laughing "unless you two were about know..." He wiggled his eyebrows

"Eww!" I yelled grossed out "I came home around two in the morning and Finn hadn't come home yet but I needed to tell him that Olives husband knows and we fell asleep discussing it, you creep!" I explained laughing a little as Blaine continued to laugh his head off

"Well it seemed like a little more than that" he sung teasingly

"You need to relax" I finished laughing "speaking of sleeping, that couch was awful, I think I might just have to let Finn sleep in your spare" I tell Blaine

"Rachel you're so mean! He's been sleeping on the couch this whole time?" He asked me in shock

"Well I never knew when you were gonna show up and I wasn't actually friends with Finn to be nice, given the circumstances" I explain myself

"Rachel Berry you are the worst" Blaine smiles while parking

"I know, I know I'm such a bad hostess" I shrug

"How long is this even suppose to go on," he questions

"I don't even know, Olive suppose to finalize her divorce so they can be together but it's only been three months" I say exasperated

I really, really want to date Chris. But I can't do that if people still think I'm dating Finn.

"Three months! It took my mother three days to divorce husband number five" Blaine says surprised

"Yeah well you're mother is a professional divorcee" I poke fun at her

"Haha, get out of my car Berry" Blaine smiles and takes out his key

I smile and jump off, Blaine meets me at the entrance and holds the door. I'm pretty sure Finn is here considering Jacob isn't waiting at the door to ask if we've broken up.

"Takeout?" Blaine asks on the way up

"Chinese?" I ask in agreement

"You know me so well" he answers back

We reach the door to find Santana waiting inside with Finn groaning.

"I'm telling you Tubbers, Captain America is the best avenger" Santana was telling him

"Uh-uh, team Thor all the way" Finn answered

I glance at Blaine who looks just as confused as I do and we close the door pretty loudly. Both stare back at us,

"Finally you showed up, how'd it go?" Santana asked me

"How'd you get here" I ask her smiling

"I called the house and Finn was here so I showed up, duh" Santana surged obvious

"Yeah but don't you have work" Blaine asked

"So what you guys just don't want me here? Hello! I called in sick because it was berry's first official week" Santana stood up

"Oh yeah how was it?" Finn asked me

I rolled my eyes and set my stuff on the coat rack, and before I could respond Blaine answered for me,

"She's totally into her co star!" Blaine smirked

"Blaine!" I shout

"Oh she did the Rachel Berry hair tuck," Santana wiggled her at me

"What's that?" Finn asked confused

Santana and Blaine both smiled and ran next to each other,

"Whenever Rachel likes a guy she does this thing where she tucks her hair behind her ear" Blaine explained as Santana pretended to be the guy

"And if she really likes him she'll tuck both strands behind her ears and do a sly lip bite" Santana demonstrated and I felt mortified

"I do not do that" I explain to Finn as I continued to search for out takeout menus

"But she didn't do both so who knows his long this one will last" Blaine explained

Santana and him both winced and turned to Finn who had an unreadable expression across his face right now.

"Well it's not like she can do anything though, because of you" Santana shrugged

"Unless we keep it on the down low," Blaine offered

I finally found the menus and plopped right next to Finn as Santana snatched one from my hand,

"Would you two stop scheming and pick something out, I'm starving" I shake my head at them "here these are the specials for today" I tell Finn while leaning over

Rachel didn't realize but both Santana and Blaine noticed the way Finn was looking at Rachel and how he hadn't said a word throughout their Rachel Berry crush decoding skills. Both couldn't help but wonder if their whole fake relationship might not be so fake to Finn anymore which could be trouble for both.

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