Party Hard

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"You're so late! It's almost time to go to the party" I scolded

Finn walked into the apartment wearing the same clothes as the night before. That little pervert. I'm not even going to mention it.

"Sorry I was...busy" Finn explained

"Yeah, yeah just go get ready" I exclaimed while shoving him towards his room

I was almost finished. I simply need to put on the dress and shoes. Oh and also take out the curlers. I did my makeup basic and kept it light. I used this pretty peach eye shadow that Kurt gifted me. He really needs to stop with the gifts, I'm running out of ideas for his!

"So how fancy do I need to go?" Finn asked

"After party for a movie premiere fancy! Like the one we went too last time" I shouted

"Ohhhhh, okay" he shouted back

I put on the second heel and let my hair fall loosely over my shoulders. I really need a trim. Maybe I could ask Sarah. We have been keeping contact. Brad also wants to go out for brunch so he can finally meet Santana and Blaine. Needless to say that we've become good friends.

"Ready," I smile walking out of my room at the same time Finn did

He was wearing a white dress shirt with black dress pants and a nice belt that I've never seen before. His socks were black just like my dress which had embroiled flowers along the bottom, which means it looked like we matched again!

"Why do you always copy me" I ask

"Hey I hadn't even seen your dress" he defended

"Mmhh, I got my eye on you mister," I point at him

He laughed and grabbed my purse from the counter. He always carries my purses or wallet cases and takes out the keys but it looks like he forgot tonight!

"Excuse you Finn Hudson but I need the keys to lock the door" I inform him as I waited at the door and he just stared

"Oh yeah sorry," he pulled out of his daze

"First you come in late, then you copy me and now your delaying our plans, tsk tsk Finn Hudson" I shake my head as he hands me the keys

"It was only by a little and I did not copy you, and I happen to be excited to go to a party to meet all your friends" he explained as we walked down the stairs

"Well everyone's excited to meet you, " I confess

I have another confession but he already told me he's excited for this party so now I feel like I can't tell him. Curse this man.

"But.." He added

"But what?" I ask playing clueless

"There was a but in there" Finn pointed out

How does he do that every time, I swear it's like I can't keep anything a secret around this man

"Ugh fine," I relent while he helped me into the car

He stood at the door waiting for me to tell him the truth,

"I don't want to be there all night, truthfully I just want to sit at home and relax with some wine and watch a couple movies even if it is in celebration of a huge event in my career and everyone else's" I confess almost ashamed

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