Dry Cleaners

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"So this is the plan, we're going to call her and tell her she has a callback and she's going to arrive thinking it's the producers for the Broadway show of Phantom of the whatever" Olive finish explaining it to me

"That's awful," I tell her, then I look to the lawyer "she's going to hate me more"

Olive backed away and crossed her arms,

"Wait, you already know her?" Olive asked mad

"Well kind of" I shrug

"What do you mean kind of!?? This plan has to work so I can divorce Charles and not loose anything Finn!!" Olive yelled at me

"Well I just paid for her dry cleaners" I shrug

The lawyer nodded,

"That's how I found her, Finn showed us the way" he added

"Why would you do that!?" Olive yelled, turning red

"Look this works, it makes them look more like a real couple like this" the lawyer told olive calmly

"But we're already offering money and Finn just spent some willingly on her over nothing!" Olive yelled

"Olive, relax" I tell her

Except I immediately regret it since she slowly walked back to me with a scary look on her face,

"Relax?" She repeated in a whisper "YOURE GOING TO PRETEND TO BE WITH HER FOR GOD KNOWS HOW LONG AND YOU WANT ME TO RELAX!????!!" She yelled

She started hitting me her Loui Bouton bag and I just kind of ducked and covered,

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry!!" I yelled back

"Call her" she turned to her lawyer, "right now" she said demanding

The lawyer took out his cellphone and went off to the corner

"I'm going to crush this pathetic little worms dreams in a second" olive told me

"If you do that, she's not going to want to do this" I inform her

I want to be with olive but she's so....crazy.

"Fine, I'll give the brat whatever she wants" olive sighed, "except you, of course" she smiled, kissing my lips

I guess she's all normal now, but I don't know what she's going to do when Rachel gets here. Hell I don't even know what Rachel's going to do. I don't know her that well, but I know she's not one to back down either. Clearly she's proven this to me when she almost threw a drink at me. I sort of wish she had, I deserved it. Hell I deserve it now.


I can't believe I got a callback for phantom of the opera! I can't wait till Thursday. I told Blaine and Santana first and they were so happy. Now they think I'm being annoying with all my practicing. But I can't mess this chance up.

"Can you please relax?" Blaine yelled from the kitchen

"I can't, I have to get this or else I might just loose all hope of ever making it" I sigh

"You're so dramatic" Santana says with whip cream in her mouth

Apparently, my fridge is a hometown buffet for everyone. Even though I'm always broke!

"If you guys could, please don't eat all my food" I tell them strictly

Santana grabbed my pretzel crisps and Blaine took my wine, and both sat on my couch.

"Yeah, yeah, don't you have somewhere to be" Santana shouted for, across the room

"Yeah that Finn guy I told you about paid for it" I said grabbing my keys

"Oh yeah! Mike said you almost kicked his ass too" Blaine and Santana laughed

"Tina has influenced Mike to over exaggerate everything " I told them

They laughed again and continued to eat my food.

"Whatever, I'll be back in a bit!" I shout at the door already

"Don't get mugged!" Blaine yelled

"Or kidnapped" Santana added

"I won't" I yell while closing the door

I'm so happy my uniform is already done, I only have one other shirt and it's starting to really show off the stains that have been added since yesterday.

I hailed a taxi cab and head over to the fancy dry cleaners I made Finn pay for when I got a call. It's says unknown, I wonder who it is. My callback isn't till tomorrow.

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