There is No Home Here

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"Well Santana already said her and Sam are fixing up the apartment for New Years, so we have to go ma" Finn groaned

Rachel elbowed him,

"Finn be nice to your mom, she just wants to spend more time with you," Rachel scolded him

"Yeah listen to Rachel! Don't you know, the women are always right" Carole laughed and hugged Finn

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Finn smiled and glanced at Rachel

Kurt and Blaine took the next flight out after the 27th and Rachel and Finn decided to stay two more days but now it's time to go back to New York for New Years.

"Don't be strangers, come down whenever you like," Burt smiled at them

"Oh don't worry, I'll make sure Finn does" Rachel giggled and grabbed her bag off the countertop

"I'm counting on it" Carole and Burt chuckled

Finn just rolled his eyes and walked towards the front door,

"Okay then bye mom" Finn said as Rachel waved goodbye and exited

Carole nudged Burt and he went after Rachel so it was just Finn and Carole.

"Rachel wait, let me tell you how to avoid the roads under construction" Burt shouted outside

Once Carole saw them out of distance she turned to Finn as he looked at the other two in confusion.

"Finn, baby, I want you to know that Rachel is perfect for you" Carole started

"Mom" Finn chuckled nervously

"No let me finish, I see the way you look at her, and it's the same look your dad always wore and it melts my heart, especially knowing that she looks at you the same. She's a good girl and I know she'll take care of my baby, so please don't be an idiot and take care of her too because you both need each other and I couldn't be happier knowing you're in good hands with her" Carole smiled and placed her hand on Finns cheek

Finn looked at her in shock and surprise,

"Mom I-"

Rachel walked in with Burt while laughing,

"Finn one of the trees were covered with spiderwebs and snow and Burt ran right into them and it was so funny, I wish you could've seen it" Rachel giggled as Burt chuckled

"I thought it was just snow and I wanted to dust them off but I guess it wasn't just snow" Burt told Carole who smiled

"Well that sounds hilarious but, it's getting late and you guys should probably hit the road before it gets dark," Carole hugged Rachel as Burt said the final goodbye

"I hope we see you next year Rachel" Burt smiled

As Finn and Rachel kept waving goodbye from the car Carole and Burt stood idly by on the front porch. Rachel really did have a great time getting to know them but she can't help but feel guilty that they probably won't be seeing her ever again.

Back in New York
"Olive, these peas taste awful, they're too salty!" Cordelia yelled

"Mother, Olive doesn't usually cook but she tried her very best for your last meal today in New York" Charles told his mom while eating a pea and smiling in gratitude at Olive

As much as they've had their differences they would always come together against his horrible mom and prevail. But now things are different. She's trying to divorce him and he has no idea. Instead he keeps playing the amazing husband he is.

"Well she should've tried harder, or at least got me a backup meal" Cordelia said after spitting the food out

"Luckily for you Cordelia, I did" olive smiled and called the butler "henry can you please bring out Cordelia's steak I saved in the oven" she whispered

"Whatever" Cordelia muttered

Olive giggled to herself as Charles reached out and held her hand. Usually she turns away and refuses, but today she wanted to hold him back.

As Cordelia left both Charles and Olive breathed an instant sigh of relief. It was awkward but both realized how nice it felt to pretend like they still loved each other.

"Now that she's gone, I have to confess, it was nice to team up together again" Charles said, testing the waters

"Yeah, I missed being like that with you" olive admitted

She even felt a twinge of guilt because of all her scheming. He wanted to be with her but then remembered how awful she is and how she's treated their marriage. He knows she was a different women from the one he originally married and it pained him.

"Really, I'm surprised, you haven't really been acting like it lately" he cautiously reminds her

"Charles, I do care for you, very much please believe that" olive tries to plead

"Oh really is that why you're sneaking behind my back" he finally admits to her openly

Olive stands in shock, she had been so careful. There's no way he could know about Finn and especially Rachel being a fake. Hell sometimes they don't seem so fake and it drives her insane. Finn is already mad at her, and if Charles gets upset then she'll really be screwed. But somehow she'd be more upset if Charles were mad at her. I mean he was her first love and Finn was just someone dumb enough to believe her. She still has doubts about the divorce but if Charles knew her plan then he'd set it into motion no matter what she says.

"I've just been busy, that's all, you needn't worry darling, you're my first priority" she says soothing him and rubbing his back

Maybe she'd sleep with him to get him distracted. It had been a while since they had sex and now that Finn is refusing, she was feeling really needy for it. And Charles, despite being annoying at times, was an excellent lover.

"Alright, my love, let's go to bed" he smiles

He knew what she was doing, and a younger more naive version of him probably would've fell for it. But not anymore, now that he knows she's planning on leaving him and taking more than half of their assets with him, he was going to play along with her little game so that it would be all the more satisfying when he leaver her.

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