Here's the Plan

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The building doesn't really look like one for an audition. I always pictured it to be an in auditorium. I guess this day is just full of surprises. I'll admit I was a little shocked they rescheduled because it's so soon but Santana and Blaine calmed me down.

As I continue to walk into the building something felt off,

"Rachel Berry" I hear a voice call out

It was coming from the room at the end of the hallway. In front of the door was a gigantic man. He looked more like security if anything.

"That's me" I smile

First impressions always need to be good. For example, when I meet my future husband we have to tell a cute story. Of course I'll probably meet him before my first tony. If this audition goes well then that's where I'll be headed !!

"Right this way" he said while opening the door

I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs when I saw who it was. I swear this obnoxious and arrogant man is everywhere!

"You!" I yelled angry

Clearly this is not an audition. Something tells me it was all her idea. I can't believe they set me up! For what, over some stupid water spill!

"Unbelievable" I said out loud

"Now before you go crazy, we have something to offer" Olive freaking Clearwater said

"Why would I want anything you dirty little liars have to offer! You know I was extremely busy when you called pretending to be a musical director!" I shouted

"Because we can offer millions of dollars, don't you want to be rich?" She asked sly

I crossed my arms and frowned. I kind of need money right now, and fast. So I guess I won't immediately storm out.

"I suppose you can continue" I shrug

Finn comes closer but backs away when he sees my glare,

"Well I need a little favor to ask of you, and it's an undecided time span that has to be kept top secret, understand?" She asks coming closer

Okay, I didn't realize how tall she is but I will not back down. She can't scare me, if anything I should scare her because she's about to tell me top secret information!

"What's this little favor?" I ask suspicious and a little alarmed

I hope it's not anything insane. I just came for an audition.

"We want you to pretend to be in a stable and loving relationship with Finn" she said almost disgusted

I just don't believe it, so I start laughing

"You know you guys didn't tell me you were comedians, where are the hidden cameras?" I ask looking around in mid laugh

"It's not a joke" Finn came forward

I stopped laughing,

"You can't be serious, this is insane, Why do you want to do this, why me!??" I yelled again

"We need to get the paps and my husband off our trail" she told me dead serious

I back away,

"You want me to help you lie and cheat on your husband!??!!" I said with utter disgust and disdain

"We need you, the magazines already have a picture of you so it's easier especially because you're a nobody" she shrugged

I frowned and headed towards the door

"This is ridiculous and awful I'm not helping you," I said reaching the door knob, I turned and looked at the both of them, "and I'm not a nobody!" I yelled

I could see her panic and Finn look disappointed,

"What if we tell you we'd be willing to pay you 4,000 dollars each month" she asked

I stopped turning the door knob, that's a lot of money and I'm in desperate need of it. But this whole little scheme goes against everything I've ever known. How can I possibly help destroy a marriage like this, even if it's for money. Plus my whole friends and family would never know the relationship was fake. I also don't want to be in a relationship with the disgusting Celebrity home wrecker Finn Hudson.

"It really is in your best interest." She informed me

I slowly turn to face them,

"You don't have to do this" Finn assured me

I can just leave and never speak of this again, or I can take the money and pretend to be in a relationship. Option one is what I would go for under normal circumstances but I'm in desperate need of money. But I can't help destroy a marriage, let alone a very public one.

"Why should I help you?" I ask them,

"Because it would benefit all parties, including my soon to be ex husband" Olivia explained so easily

I glance at Finn who looked almost as conflicted at me, but I can't believe I'm about to say this,

"Fine, I'll do it"

I already feel ashamed

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