Holiday Plans

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"Your dads left a voicemail on the home phone number" Finn told me in the car

He seemed anxious and I'm a little worried they said something inappropriate for our current situation.

"What'd they say?" I asked

"They want you to come home for thanksgiving" he answered quickly

But he did the eye glance so he's lying about something or just not telling me important information.

"What else did they say?" I ask him stern

"Uhhhhhhh, they also said...uhh...they um, want you to bring me" he mumbled

"What!?" I shout "did you call back? Did you tell them about the other night? What'd you say Finn!?" I freaked out

"I didn't say anything, they're your dads" he shrugged

"It hasn't even been Halloween yet and they're already thinking about thanksgiving!??" I questioned out loud "what made them call? Oh my god I think I'm going to die"

I closed my eyes hoping it would all go away, before I could completely loose it, my phone rang.

"Hello?" I immediately answer

"Berry, what are you doing tonight?" Santana asked

"Uh, sleeping probably" I answer confused "why"

"Because you're dining with Kurt, Blaine and I at the Plaza" she answered

Did I just hear her say, the Plaza? The most difficult restaurant to reserve tables at in all of New York City. The place I've been dreaming of eating at since I've moved here.

"Tel..him" I heard someone mumble in the background

"Blaine said to bring Finn too" Santana said less enthusiastic

"Santana are you being serious right now?" I ask

"Yes! Why would I lie about the Plaza!?" She scolded

"Oh my god, so you're not lying! I'm so excited, I'll tell Finn right now!" I squeal excited

"See you tonight girly!"

I hung up and shook Finn.

"WERE EATING AT THE PLAZA TONIGHT!!!!!!" I shake him back and forth

"Woah, for a tiny women, you sure got a lot of strength" he said holding me back

We sat in the car, parked outside our building as I bounced up and down

"I've always dreamed of going and now we actually are!" I grinned

"What about your dads?" He asked

"I'll call them right now and sort it out, don't ruin the moment, eek! We're going to be eating at the plaza Finn!" I exclaim

"Sorry, I just wanted to check to see if I have to go back to Ohio for the holidays" he shrugged

"Back to Ohio?" I asked confused

"I grew up in Cincinnati" he explained

"Oh, I didn't know that" I smiled at him "okay now you have to go" I tease

"Rachel no, I haven't been in like six years" he whined

"You haven't flew out to see your mother in 6 years?" I ask shocked

"I've flown her out" he mumbles

"This will not stand, mark my words, you're flying back to see your mother if it is the last thing I do for you" I scold

"Can't we go back to talking about the plaza?" He changed the subject

"You're right! I have to find a dress!" I say jumping out of the car and racing to the building

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