Back Together Again

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I managed to follow Mr.Charles out of the theater when I saw all my friends waiting for me. Along with Finn, we both stared at each other in anticipation but were rudely interrupted by Charles punching Finn in the face!

"Oh my god, Finn" I yell rushing to his aid,

All Charles did was shrug and look at the surrounding people, "he knows why"

Santana and Blaine watched him walk away in confusion as Kurt and I helped Finn up,

"Yeah okay, I deserved that" Finn winced

"Here follow me" I say leading the four of them backstage with me

The security saw me okay them and let them through with me. Of course right when we entered there was chaos everywhere. Everyone was congratulating each other and hugging and smiling and here we were ushering Finn to my dressing room. Mercedes stopped to greet them and I silently thanked her.

"But Finn-"
"Leave it porcelain" Santana said holding Kurt back

I smiled at her in appreciation as I pulled Finn to my room. He just rubbed his cheek where he got punched and I opened my mini fridge to give him some ice,

"Thanks" he mumbled

After going through a whole ass epiphany I suddenly have nothing to say. But he came so that's all I need to know. Here's my chance to make it right,


We both spoke at the same time and ended up laughing.

"You go first," I tell him

"Okay" he responded and set the bag full of ice down

He looks nervous, maybe I'm just projecting, why am I sweaty all of a sudden.

"Look I know you left and I should be furious with you and all but I'm not, I just really miss you and I came here to tell you that I'm willing to fight for you. I don't care what bogus reason you give but I just need you to know that this past year has been the best time of my life. You supported me and cared for me despite all my flaws and showed me what it means to be a real man, and I'm here showing you that that's what I want to be for you and I'd give up everything for just the chance to be with you. I love you and if you don't want anything to do with me, if the flaws were too much then just say the word and I'll disappear and you'll never hear from me again, but just know that this is me asking you to choose us, and give us a chance to be together, for real this time no fake plans or anything, just you and me taking on the world, together" Finn rambled out

I just smiled and started crying. How could I ever doubt him or us? He's proven twice over now that he's willing to make this work. Both times I've run away but not this time. I have to take a leap of faith,

"I hope those are your happy tears" Finn says nervously

"They are and everything you've been saying is right and I'm so sorry, I'm sorry for doubting you before and running away and just everything. I want to be with you and I was just so scared of ruining it and I should've said this sooner or at least gone to see you sooner instead of waiting for something to happen and I'm so sorry,"

Finn cut me off by kissing me with what felt like every fiber of his being and all I could do was kiss back, but I pulled away to keep apologizing,

"I'm so sorry and I love you so much" I admitted

Finn kissed me slowly and sweetly in response, and when he pulled away he just grinned,

"Hey what's an epic love story without having the guy go fight for his girl?" He smiled

"I'm glad you came to fight because I was too scared, you always know what to say and do" I smile back

"What can I say, I am an expert in all things Rachel Berry now" he said laughing

"Oh really," I said playing along

"Oh yeah, any minute now she should be kissing me with lots and lots of gratitude" he nodded along

"Well who am I to question the expert" I grin while leading into a kiss

Right when our lips touched my door barged open

"Hello! Aren't we here to celebrate someone's first big Broadway debut!" Santana said, barging in with the rest of the bunch

"Well glad to see yo two getting along again" Mercedes noted

"Yeah I was so not looking forward to picking sides" Kurt added with a smile

Finn and I just laughed and got up. He held out my hand,

"They have a point, time to go celebrate my girls big debut, so shall we m'lady" he asked

"We shall my good sir" I smiled holding onto his extended hand in response

We both giggled and headed out of the door and into the night, together.

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