About Last Night...

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I have to see you
Babe come over
Why aren't you responding?!
Answer me! I read that news article about Rachel you bastard!
What happened last night!???

I opened my phone and saw so many missed calls and messages. Most from Olive.

Rachel left before I could even say goodbye I know she's feeling scared and all but I just wish she could talk to me like before. It was so good for a while. Then stupid Jesse had to be a fucking prick. God I hate that dude! I want to punch his stupid face in the ground for what he did to Rachel.

It's olive I should probably answer before she murders me,


"Don't you hello me! Why haven't you been answering I have news!"

My heart almost leaped out of my chest when I hear that. Is this the end? Is this what Rachel was talking about earlier? Because I don't want to leave her. Staying here has been the best six months. It's like living with my best friend whose actually smart and funny and pretty.


"Oh right, uh what were you saying"

"Ugh I was saying that you're going to have to stay with her through the holidays because Charles' mother is coming into town in two weeks and she's staying through New Years"


"Ugh you're so daft, that means I won't be seeing you for four months! Soooo that's why I wanted to see you because she'll be watching me like a hawk"

"Is that it? I have to go handle something right now"

"Is that it??!? Did you seriously just ask that aren't you even a little curious to know how long it'll be till I get divorced!?"

I groan away from the phone and put it back against my ear,

"I'm sorry you're right, let me ask the important question, how long will it take for you to finish getting divorced?"

"Well I haven't actually started the process I'm just barley building my case but hopefully by May I'll be getting my money"

"Wait you haven't even actually filed yet? Olive it's been six months, what have you been doing!?"

"Well we finally gathered the last bits of pieces left but since my in law is coming we have to put it on pause! So stop yelling"

"Sorry I'm just stressed out, I'll see you later"

"Get here soon, I'm really horny"

She hangs up and all I can do is sigh. So it really is coming to an end. I don't know if I should tell Rachel. Especially with everything from last night. I'll just keep it to myself that way I don't spoil the rest of our time together.

She'd be sad, well I hope, because I know I am.

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