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So I'm staying with Kurt now.

Rachel and I decided that until I figure out what's going to happen I should move out. I really didn't want too because I had grown so use to living with Rachel but neither of us could really deal with what happened.

Flashback to a month ago
"Finn, we should have never let it get this far" Rachel sighed "this was a foolish plan from the start and we should've gone our separate ways sooner"

I felt so bad but she's wrong. I'm glad we went that far, I'm glad we stayed together for this long, even if we thought it was all pretend.

"Maybe we shouldn't have participated in this stupid scheme and maybe it was foolish but I don't regret any of it, I'm glad we did come this far. You're my friend rach and we've grown so much together and maybe it started off as pretend but it isn't for me anymore, Rachel I lo-"

"No! Don't do that" Rachel shouted "don't you see how futile this is, you're still seeing olive and we've never actually been together without all the lies and pretend, how can we know what we have is real if it was all based on a lie?" Rachel pleaded

"I don't care about olive anymore! I probably stopped the minute I met you! And it wasn't all a lie, I've always cared about you and maybe it took you a little bit longer to feel the same but you do, I can feel it and two nights ago proved that" I argued

"What happened two nights ago was a drunken mistake Finn, if we hadn't been drunk off our asses and had sex, you'd probably be with olive right now because that's the reason we're in this mess in the first place!" Rachel yelled back

"It wasn't a mistake, sure we were drunk but it still meant something to me, didn't it mean anything for you? At least mean that we have some sort of feelings for each other!" I asked her, almost scared of what the answer will be

"Of course it meant something to me but it doesn't matter because if we try to be together now, like this" she said pointing towards each other "it will never work out, okay, don't you see that? Everything leading up to this point has been a recipe for disaster. We aren't good, were liars and cheats and lack morality so how can we ever learn to trust each other, which is what a relationship is all about!" Rachel exclaimed in frustration

But I'm not giving up, I want her-no I need her to know that we're meant to be, that's what all of this is leading up to, thats our destiny.

"I trust you, I've seen you and been with more than just a pretend Rachel. And sure how we got here is a little questionable but what's an epic romance without a couple of bumps on the road? I mean come on Rachel, are you really not going to give us a chance because of one miscalculation of judgement. Can't you see that all the crazy we agreed too, lead us to each other?"

Rachel just sighed and walked away,

"It was more than just a miscalculation Finn, it was a whole scheme to help you cheat. How can I trust you won't do the same to me one day because you found someone cuter or richer? How can you trust me after all the lengths I went to in order to fake a relationship? It's too complicated and muddy to navigate like this, I'm sorry but I just can't Finn," Rachel cried "and I think we should stop all of it now before it gets wayy more complicated then it already is"

"Rachel please I'll leave olive and we can start over, please just think about it, think about us" I practically beg

I see her tear filled eyes and for a split second I saw it. I saw her think about what we could be but she pushes it down, like she does with everything hard and nods her head,

"No Finn, and I think it's time you move out as well" she said slightly pushing me away

"I'll leave to make you feel better" I nodded

But I'm not giving up, I'll prove to her that we belong together, because I think we do.

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