A Truce

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Looking for a new job is such a pain. Nobody wants to hire me. I can't believe I actually need Finn around. Hopefully he's not here. I honestly just need the night to relax and not have to worry about Finn.

"I have a surprise for you" he greeted me

Well this is different. Not sure how I feel about it since I don't like him very much.

"What is it?" I ask him

He smiles and walks towards me.

"As an apology I want to take you somewhere" he explains

"Where? Also won't Olive be mad you're giving me a surprise, she seems like a very touchy person " I ask pointedly

"Uh not for this" he says guiding me to the door

I sigh rather deeply and grab my stuff off the counter. I guess I'll take my chances to see what this big surprise is. Maybe he's not such a terrible human being if he's making an effort to apologize. But he's still a cheater.

"Trust me, I owe you this" he says as he locks the door

"Wait, when'd you get a key" I ask as he pulls my arms towards the stairs

I did not give him a key, where did he gets keys

"Owen said you let me have these so it's easier to come in and out" he shrugged

"Well Owen lied to you and I'm going to be speaking to him when I see him" I inform him feeling a little violated

Man what the hell did I sign up for...

"Forget about Owen right now, let's go" he continues to drag me along

"Um I think we're going to have to go through the back" I say crossing my arms

"Oh damn, how'd they know I was here" he muttered

I look around and see Jacobs big Afro in the window where it says office.

"I think I know" I say letting go of Finns hand and knocking on the door

Finn followed me as I crossed my arms and waited for Jacob to open the door. I glanced up at Finn and he just looked a little confused and decided to lean over me, placing his hand on the doorway.

"I need to set this straight, otherwise going to work is going to be a bitch" I elaborate

"Oh okay, but hurry I still have the surprise" he reminds me

Jacob opens the door and he looks agitated as soon as he sees Finn.

"What is it fruity Berry" he asks me while staring at Finn

"Jacob what have I said about the nicknames?" I scold him

He slouches and looks down,

"Only once a month" he says defeated

"And how long has it been since you last said it?" I remind

"A week" he frowns

"Exactly, but I'm here to tell you to get rid of those paparazzi's, since I know you're the one who called them" I tell him

"But you're living with him, I'll do it when he leaves, so that I won't be lying" he says stubbornly and crossing his arms

"Jacob, you have to accept that he's living with me now because you and I are not, and never will be together" I remind him firmly

I grab Finns hand and walk towards the back. I know Jacob will do anything to be with me so whatever I ask he does and it's pretty sad, and I will always feel a little bad.

"That was brutal" Finn tells me as he guides me

"Yeah well if I'm not them he doesn't get the hint and keeps going after me" I explain

"Why don't you just get a restraining order" he asks

"Because he's not dangerous, he's just way to obnoxious, he's like Jesse but about 1,000 times worse" I tell him

"Whose Jesse?" Finn asks confused

"Oh he's just this guy I use to work with" I shrug

I can't believe I actually miss that job. I always thought my last day would be when I finally landed a lead role. I guess I was wrong. Also why the hell did I tell Finn any of that? He doesn't need to know about my life in any way.

"Well, we're here"

Finn stopped abruptly and let go of my hand, when I realized where we were I looked at him very confused.

"Why are we here?" I asked

"This is your surprise, your old job back!" He exclaimed proud

"How did you...?"

I never finished asking because Santana smirked and brought my uniform towards me,

"He basically begged Gunther to give you your job back today, also why didn't you tell me you were dating this fine piece of ass" she asked glancing at him

I glanced over at Finn as I grabbed the uniform. Why is he being so nice to me. I constantly tell him how he's ruined my life and judge him 24/7.

"I'm a lesbian but I'd be into that, also you start tomorrow with the same schedule" she said walking away

I turn to face Finn again,

"Why did you do this" I ask shocked and in disbelief

"I figured I owed you for all that you've done so consider this a truce" he shrugged

I glance down at my uniform. I was just thinking how I actually missed this place and now I have it back. Surprisingly it's all thanks to Finn. The man who I called a home wrecker and life ruiner on more than one occasion,

"I guess this is a truce" I agree

"Great, now can I finally buy you food, because.... I don't know about you but I'm starving" he smiles

I roll my eyes,

"Fine, but not here" I inform him

"Deal," he smiles

It was silent for a moment until I hear beside me,

"Are you gonna hold my hand again for all the people about to stare" he teases

"Don't ruin the moment" I smile at him

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