Finn Hudson and Rachel Berry

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I never thought New York would lead me towards two minim wage paying jobs. When I was 16 I'd imagined myself being on Broadway by now, break a couple hearts here and there... But instead I'm stuck between Midnights at Roomey's and the Spotlite Diner. One of those jobs gives me a chance to sing and hopefully get recognized and the other makes me wish I stayed in Lima.

"Hey Rachel,"

I had just arrived back from another failed Broadway audition because the only credits to my name is off Broadway productions as backup and I have another meeting with my creppy landlord to top it off.

"Can't talk right now Jesse" I groaned

Jesse is cute and nice but I'm just not that into him. He follows me around everywhere, it's exhausting.

"I just want to let you know that I'm free Friday night if you want to go out" he smiled

"Sorry but I can't, I have work at Roomey's" I shrug

I'm actually glad I didn't have to lie this time. Every week I come up with an excuse. It just so happens it's not a lie today.

"Lover boy still up your butt" my co-worker asks snickering

"Oh you have no idea" I mumble

"Well whatever day you're actually free, call me so we can go get wasted" she smiled

Santana and I got off to a rough start, but now we're actually good friends. Usually we drink wine on her couch when I'm not running around. She was my first ever New York friend, also my rude awakening to my new life.

"Will do" I winked

I grabbed the tray and walked towards table 3. I really need to get my life together before I get kicked out of my own apartment. I truly don't want to go back to my Dads empty handed.


She said she would be here by now. I know it's only been six months and I don't exactly know how this works but I know you have to be careful about these things.

Sometimes I wonder if this is really the direction I want to be heading. I'm new to the business and doing this wouldn't really be good for my reputation but something about her just draws me in. I think it's partially due to the fact that she's a bigger actress than me so she has more connections.

"Sorry I'm late darling but Charlie was acting odd so I had to make sure our secret was still intact" she said out of breath

Looking at her now, it's easy to mistake her for a model. She's blonde and hot but she's also very cruel. I always question wether we should see each other because she's married and she always responds with the same thing...

"Charlie's an idiot, I've been so out of love with him for such a long time I don't even understand how he hasn't figured it out"

Then she laughs about breaking the poor mans heart. Maybe that's why I always feel so guilty.

"If you're so out of love with him then why don't you get a divorce" I ask

This has been a reoccurring argument between us. I just don't think the guilt will ever go away until we can be a couple for real.

"I already told you, were public figures and if I randomly ask for a divorce it'll look suspicious and damage my reputation along with yours" she shrugs

I see her flag down the waitress,

"Bring me water" she tells her and starts talking to me,

She's pretty but rude, so I smile apologetic

"Plus aren't you happy with the way things are, we get to have privacy and you know how hard that is with being famous and all" she puts her hand on mine lovingly

Now I remember why I'm with her, she gets so sentimental and caring that I can't help but want to be with her.

"I heard she's a bitch" Santana said over the huddle of employees

"She is" I clarify while grabbing her stupid drink

"Rachel I can switch tables with you if you want" Jesse immediately volunteers

"As tempting as that sounds, I'll have to pass since Gunther already told me that I can't trade because that would upset her royal bitchness" I groan walking away

I arrive at the table and see they're in a heated argument. I should probably just set it down and walk away. I see him stand up abruptly so I back up a little, then she follows in tow. But somebody rushes past me and I end up spilling the water all over her royal bitchness.

"You clumsy little idiot!" She yells

"I am so sorry!" I panic while grabbing napkins and trying to dry her,

"Don't touch me!" She yells

Then she walks out and I freak out a little. I hope Gunther doesn't take this out of my paycheck, I'm in desperate need of money, I can't loose the little bit I earn!

"Rachel you're fired!" Gunther shouts behind me

I wince and slowly turn around. Everyone else that was surrounding Santana scurried away. I glance back at Gunther and remove my apron.

"I was going to quit anyway" I try to say dignified

I cannot believe she told me she wasn't ever going to divorce him! Does she expect me to follow her around in the shadows forever!?

"Finn!" She shouted

I stopped but she froze and held my arm tightly,

"There's a pap in the corner, act normal" she clenched through her teeth

"I guess we'll speak about the movie another time, but please bring Charlie" I fake smiled

"I insist we discuss the review now" she also faked

But I glanced towards the angry waitress cursing under her breath. I don't think she noticed but I can hear her, and I know she's the same waitress that waited on us. I'm pretty sure Olive got her fired.

"Not unless you do what I ask surrounding Charlie," I told her

"If I say yes, will you discuss the review with me another time" she asked

"I'll do anything you want then" I smiled while walking away

I'm done feeling guilty about this relationship. I should know better.

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