Santa Baby

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I woke up to Finn jumping into bed with me at 6 am and I nearly punched him until I heard footsteps and I quickly snuggled up to him under the sheets.

Knock knock

"I'm sorry to wake both of you, but we're on our way to pick up Kurt and his new boyfriend at the airport and we seemed to have miss placed the keys and we were wondering if you'd seen them" Carole poked her head in

Finn pretended to yawn awake with his arm wrapped around me and I turned to face Carole with a small smile.

"Oh it's no trouble, I think Finn had them last, right babe" I say while pinching him under the sheets for waking me up so early.

"Ah-uh cramp" Finn winced "but I left them in the laundry room on top of the empty basket" Finn informed her

"Okay thanks sweetie, you two just pretend like I was never here" she giggled and shut the door

We smiled and nodded until she left and I turned to Finn and started hitting him with the pillows.

"You couldn't have warned me!" I whispered

"I had to use the bathroom and I saw her walking towards the room so I panicked" he shrugged

I glared and grabbed the covers back,

"Well I'm going back to sleep since I never sleep in, so you can stay as long as you don't snore in my face like you did last time" I sighed

"I do not snore, you're the one who snores loud enough that New York can still hear you" he lays back down

"I don't snore! And if I did it would be very lady like" I defend and face him to stick out my tongue

"Oh because that just there was sooo ladylike," he chuckled at me

"Yes" I smirk while leaning in to the pillows

"You're just mad because I'm right, snorey" he leaned in as well

I giggled and was about to respond until I realized I could smell his breath and it was surprisingly refreshing but that meant he was too close to my face. So I abruptly got up.

"I'm actually going to go get ready since Kurt's bringing blaine and I want to be prepared to go sight seeing, or something" I explain and head to the bathroom

A couple of hours later

"I don't know if I can keep doing this" Finn whispered to Kurt as Rachel placed an ornament with Blaine

"Why not, because you realize that you're in love with her and she'll never be with you unless you both confess your feelings instead of pretending to be a fake couple for olives sake" Kurt whispered nonchalant  

"I was going to say because I love her but yeah that works too" Finn shrugged

Rachel quickly rushed over to Finn giggling with a cup in her hands as Kurt walked towards Blaine and the rest of the family.

"Finn your uncle jack makes the most delicious eggnog ever!" Rachel hiccuped

"Ookkaayy, I think you've had enough for one night" Finn laughed and took the cup

"Oh come on, it's so good though, just one more taste" Rachel smiled leaning up to Finns face

Finn was in such a state of nervousness that his cheeks started to heat up. Thankfully his cousin Ali called everyone into the dining room. Rachel backed away and nearly stumbled until Finn caught her and just kept her in front of him with his arms wrapped around her shoulders. She relaxed and kept close.

"So it's time to exchange secret Santa!" She clapped her hands

Rachel smiled and clapped her hands too. After everyone finished exchanging presents it was time to open them. Finn had little Layla and Rachel got her brother. Both received gift cards and socks. Except Layla added in a candle. Soon after everyone decided it was time to open presents since it was almost midnight anyway.

"Can't say I'm not excited to try this out" Finn smiled by the end of the night

"You're welcome" Kurt shrugged

Blaine and Rachel just laughed at Finns new toy being a superman nightlight that was limited edition and Finns dream gift since he was seven.

"And thanks for the jersey Rachel, I always wanted one in this color and everything" Finn smiled and hugged her

Rachel hugged back and Kurt and Blaine gave a knowing sideways glance at each other.

"Well I had to make sure I one up-ed you, and it's nice to know I was almost successful" Rachel giggled as she held up the funny girl poster with Barbra Streissands signature all over it

Both of them smiled and stood up to the kitchen when they heard Blaine,

"Now hold on a minute, is that MISTLETOE?" Blaine shouted for everyone to hear

Carole and her brother turned along with the rest of the Hudson-Hummel clan and Finn and Rachel both knew they had to do what they've done a million times before and kiss.

"You know mistletoe can be deadly if you eat it," Finn whispered

"But a kiss cam be deadlier if you mean it" Rachel whispered back, remembering the car ride there

"Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss" all the little kids chanted at them

Rachel didn't realize how close they were standing until she turned back to face Finn, and Finn didn't realize how nice her lips look with that light pink color on.

"Oh come on Finnegan, just kiss your woman already" Finns cousin Ryan shouted

Finn was about to protest and object to everyone being so gross and nosey when he felt those same pink lips kiss his. He wrapped his hands around her waist as she pulled him in more.

"WOOHOOOO" everyone cheered and went back to talking and drinking

Rachel pulled away and Finn stood in shock,

"I'm going to drink some more eggnog, want some?" Rachel asked Kurt and Blaine who were standing there in amusement

Finn touched his lips as she walked away and thought how that kiss was wayy more different then the ones they've done in front of cameras before and wondered if she heard him and felt the same, or if it was all still just an act.

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