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10 years later
She had just finished up her second show when she saw the newsstand filled with their faces all over magazines. Sure she had seen or heard things about them here and there throughout the years but this was different. It was nice and she almost felt at peace. For the longest time she was so mad that her career had took a hit from all the scandal. But you know what she went underground, licked her wounds, and came out a better person. She decided to go back to her roots and do plays.

Sure she had done a couple guest spots on tv but it wasn't really anything worthy. But this project had rejuvenated her again and reminded her of the ambitious young girl she once was. It was no longer about the fame or the drama but rather the art and the passion for the quality of work. So yeah Olive had been bitter for a while but now she actually felt happy for them.

It's a girl! Rachel and Finn Hudson welcome second child, exclusive photos only here at PEOPLE magazine

"you know what, good for them" olive smiled and picked up a copy

She just knew their baby would be adorable, just like with their first child. She saw their first big announcements every time they happened. But this was the first time she felt genuine joy for them. I mean after all, she did have a small part in this bright and happy future coming true.

"Finn, give me the baby"

I had just put her to sleep but Finn kept wanting to hold her. I mean it's adorable how much he loves her but it would be even more adorable if she stayed sleeping!

"Oh come on rach, look at this little perfect angel baby face," he whispered

I smiled at him and was just about to scold him when Henry made his way into the room.

"Mommy can I please hold her" he begged looking up at me

I shook my head and silently laughed while picking him up.

"You know you boys are going to be the death of me" I whisper

"Henry, she's sleeping right now but you can hold her when she wakes up" Finn offered

Henry just pouted, "how come, you get to hold her then" he questioned

"Because I am the parent and what I say goes" Finn answered back smug

I raised my eyebrow and looked at him with Henry in my arms.

"But mommy is right and we should let her sleep" Finn says while placing her back down in the crib

"I know that's right" I tell him as we exit the room

Finn and I had gotten married after five years together. I refused to get married until we had dated for at least five years and Finn took it as the word of God and proposed to me immediately on the five year mark. I mean I couldn't say no. Especially since Henry had just turned one. Yes, I waited to get married even after having a baby. But hey it worked out cause now I have two babies, and a husband all of my own.

"You know what I want to do?" Finn slyly asked as he wrapped his hands around me

"What dad" Henry asked

"I want to go see Aunt Santana and Aunt Brittany so bad" Finn said

Oh I know what he's doing. Henry is at that age where anything Finn says or does, he copies. So Finns trying to trick him into wanting to stay at Santana's so we could have some alone time. Devious man, but smart.

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