Before the Ball

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It's been a month since Finn asked I decided to call my dad and ask for his sage advice regarding this whole ball fiasco. It always seems to make me feel better on what he says. Plus I haven't called since I told them I was "dating" Finn.

"Hey sugar Berry" my dad answered immediately

"Hey dad" I answer back smiling

"What do I owe the honor of this call?" He asked

"I actually called for some advice" I give in easily

Usually I cover up my needs by saying I wanted to call to check in. But I can't even lie about this.

"What do you need advice on" he asked me ready to help

"Well Finn invited me to a big event with lots of press and I don't know if I want to go because I just started the Waitress musical and I don't want to be referred to as just his girlfriend from here on out" I ramble

Especially since I'm not even his real girlfriend.

"Well do you believe you're talented?" He asked me serious

"Of course daddy, I've only been saying that since I was five" I giggle a little

"Then you will outshine him with excellent reviews of your own and it shouldn't even be a worry to go out on date nights, even if they happen to be at red carpet premieres miss fancy pants" he teases me

I laugh and it may have been basic advice, but it always feels better coming from my dad. Wow, I really do miss them.

"Yeah, yeah I'm rising to the top but I promise I'll be visiting soon" I tell him

"I hope so, I really want to meet this Finn Hudson I keep reading about" my dad told me excited

I feel a little bad that this is all for show but it would kill him to find out the truth. Not only would he be disappointed but probably sad that I might never find someone good. Finns good but just not for me.

At least now that I'm a bit more at peace, I can go tell Finn my answer. I already know he's probably been driving himself crazy since he told me.

"Hey I made you breakfast" he beamed at me as I entered the kitchen

It all did look really good. He had made my favorite, blueberry pancakes with some fruit piled on top of the whip cream.

"Thanks Finn" I smile grateful

I took a seat and began eating as Finn just stared at me.

"Yes?" I ask him

"That ball that I invited you too, well it's today and I just want to know your answer that way I can call the stylists people" he asked me nervous

"Finn, I will gladly go with you" I smiled and took a bite out of my pancake

He smiled back and stood up really quick,

"Awesome! I'll call the people right now" he declared

I quickly sat him back down,

"Wait! Sit and relax before everything's gets crazy," I scold him "it's only seven and we need to go over what we're going to say and do at the event" I remind him

"Oh right, smart" he sat back down and nodded along

I just smiled because obviously I'm smart

"I mean if I'm going to do this, I'm going to do it right" I shrug

Finn POV
I just nodded and smiled with her. I know this was a big chance I took asking her especially since she doesn't know that I didn't need too. I'm really glad she said yes. I hate going to these big events, especially alone, but now I know I'll have her.

"So what did Olive say was off the table for PDA" she asked me

Oh man I don't even want to talk about her. When I told her she freaked out and almost maimed me and wanted to do the same to Rachel. But I have to play it cool otherwise Rachel will know that I risked my relationship just to have her around and get freaked out.

"She didn't really specify she just said to make it believable or were all ruined" I shrug

I mean I didn't lie with the last part, she really did say she would ruin us. Oh man I have to get a grip and fast.

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