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"Here put these on" I smile excited

Finn stands still as I place sunglasses on him along with his favorite Mets baseball cap. Of course I remembered he's famous so he needs a disguise. Plus it's been a great disguise so far.

"Where are we?" Finn asks me

"Oh come on, you don't recognize this place?" I ask him

He steps back and takes a good look at it,

"Ohhhh, it's the Empire State Building" he nods in confirmation

"Yes! You didn't disappoint me, now let's go up!" I jump up and down excited

We walk towards the building and make our way up. I have the whole afternoon and night planned out.

"So what, you're taking me to tourist places?" Finn asks

"Well you said you've never been so I had to bring you" I answer

"How thoughtful of you" he says sarcastically

"I know I'm an angel" I laugh

We reached the top giggling and laughing all the way up. I'm surprised nobody's recognized Finn yet. I just hope it works that way for the rest of the day.

"So what now" Finn asked

"Finn," I say low "just look at the view and absorb the beauty" I smile looking out

Finn POV
I'm still a little shocked she managed to take me out and not be recognized. Also that she took the time to plan out a day for me to look at what New York has to offer since I haven't been able too. I can already tell it's going to be a fun day.

I know she said to look at the view but she just looks so happy right now that it's hard too look away.

Back to Rachel POV
I had my moment now it's time to make sure Finn has his. So I hold his hand and drag his butt to the machines where you put the quarters in for a better view.

"Here," I smile excited

He grins and places his face on the metal contraption. I can see his grin get wider and all I can do is clap in delight and squeal a little. I'm so happy everything's going good. I can't wait to show him the rest of our little New York tour.

"Do you like the view?" I ask

He steps back and shakes his head,

"Oh yeah" he smiles

"Come on, let's walk around before we leave" I exclaim

We were walking around and talking when I realized how much we've grown. It also made me think about our whole fake relationship. Everything seems different now and I don't know why, well maybe I do but it's hard to admit.

"So I've never really had a good first kiss in any of my relationships" Finn chuckled as he finished his story

"Finn," I interrupted

But, I decided against asking him about the whole fake relationship and how much longer it's going to go on because I didn't want to ruin the rest of the day.

"Yeah?" He asked

"You ready for our next stop?" I ask

"Let's do it" he smiled

We held on to each other's hand and decided to see who could be the last one to touch the final step on the bottom and guess who won?

"I still say you cheated" Finn argued

"You're just a sore loserrrrr" I laughed at him

Arriving at the next location
"In the first grade Tony Moreno wrote me a love poem and I gave it back with spelling and grammar corrections" I finish my embarrassing story

"Nooo," Finn laughed "poor Tony" he said teasingly

"I know, I know not my finest hour" I shrug

Finn playfully pushed me to the side and I pushed him too as we walked along the Brooklyn Bridge. I wanted to get here as the sun set and we made it just in time.

"Such a Rachel Berry thing to do" Finn grinned

"And what does that mean" I pretend to pout

"It means that you let poor Tony down the only way you knew how" he shrugged

I walked beside him expecting something sweet when he stopped,turned and looked at me,

"With sophistication and a hint of meanness" He said in a fake hobby accent,

I gasped, offended by such an accusation. Finn quickly walked away since he knew I would retaliate.

"Finn Hudson you come back here!" I jog after him

He smiles and giggles as I chase after him but I stop running when I see him about to run into a man selling flowers and cover my mouth from exploding with laughter. Except when he bumps right into the old man I can't stop laughing very very loudly.

I make my way towards Finn whose being yelled at by the old man and smile. He turned to me and started shouting at me too.

"You should keep an eye out for your husband! He keeps running around like he's five years old, I suppose it's because of you, damn fools! Costing me my precious way of living" he shouts angry

I try to hold my laughter by biting my lip as Finn stands next to me and holds my pinky to keep from letting out his big old belly laughs.

"We are so very sorry, here sir, let me buy a sunflower" I manage to say with my voice cracking from holding in my laughter

He looks over at us grouchy and takes the five dollar bill aggressively. I don't think he's going to give me change so Finn takes the sunflower and we walk away finally letting out our loud and obnoxious laughter.

When we finally died down Finn held out the flower towards me but I shook my head.

"Oh no, I paid for it, which means it's yours sweetheart" I giggle some more while making a cheesy winky face

"How sweet, but I thought the guy was suppose to buy the flowers" Finn smiled

"What are you saying, guys don't like flowers?" I question him

"No, not at all, we love them" he assures me

"Then just say thank you" I shake my head at him with my hands at my hips

"Thank you" Finn grins

We laugh some more and walk away holding on to each other as if one of us would fall if we didn't.

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