Getting Out

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"Gally I'm sorry," I said while I walked backwards. He looked at me. "your a horrible person, I fucking loved you and you knew that" Newt walked towards Gally."Gally look at what you wanted to do, your crazy" Thomas looked up. "Everyone who wants to go with us, your free to come. Were getting out of this, a new life is waiting for us" I looked at Gally. "Gally you can come with us" Newt looked at me."He betrayed us Addi" "I know, but so did we. Everybody deserves another change, certainly if we're talking about a new life" Gally looked at me. "nah, not when you did this. I'll stay" Some people walked towards us. The people around Gally got less and less. Eventually, there were only four people with Gally. I felt bad. I used his feelings for a plan. "Let's go," Thomas said while he turned around. "I'll never forgive you this Addison" Gally yelled before we ran into the maze.

We all ran as fast as possible to the place Minho me and Thomas found. We stopped at the entrance. Thomas looked over his shoulder. He sighed. "what is it Tommy?" Newt said while he walked closer to him. "a griever" I looked up. The last thing I wanted right now was seeing a griever, especially fighting with it. Minho handed Chuck the device. "take this Chuck, stay behind us" he grabbed it out of his hands and nodded. "just stick with me," Teresa said while she tied her hair. She tied my hair in a ponytail as well. "you need that '' I smiled at her."We will stick together and get through this. We will get out now, or we die trying," Thomas said. We all nodded. "Lets go!'' He yelled and we all started running towards the griever.

We stabbed it with poles and tried to push it off the edge. He was attacking us and grabbed someone. He threw him off the edge. "shit," I whispered while I tried to cut off one of his legs. The leg fell off but hit Chuck. He let go of the device. "Chuck watch out," Teresa yelled. He grabbed the device just before it could fall. Teresa and I helped him up. Another griever came up just after the boys pushed the other griever down the edge. On the other side there came another griever. Me, Teresa and Chuck started running. "Look out love" Newt yelled while he threw a spear. I looked behind me and saw that he hit the griever. "Nice," I said while I ran passed him. We ran towards the place where the walls opened. "go, run," Thomas yelled. We ran towards the place me, Minho and Thomas got stuck last time. "fuck we need a code," I whispered. Teresa ran towards Thomas. "we need a code, eight numbers," she yelled. Thomas thought for a few seconds. "he knows it right?" Chuck said. "Yes of course," I said with a slight fear in my voice. All of the sudden Thomas yelled: "hey Minho, what was the order" Minho looked at him "what" just before Thomas could talk another person got thrown off the edge."the sections, what's the order." While Minho was giving us the order of the numbers, a griever fell down on him. "Minho" Frypan yelled while they all tried to help him. Jeff run towards the griever and started to stab it. Minho got away but the griever got Jeff. I looked away and closed Chuck his eyes. Minho named the other numbers and the red light turned green

The doors shut and the grievers couldn't get at us anymore. Newt ran towards me. "your okay?" I looked at him. "yea I'm fine" a door opened and we walked through it. We stood in a large hallway. Some of the lights got turned on and we walked towards a door which said exit. Thomas opened it. There were laying people on the ground. I walked some closer to Newt. We walked inside a room. Everything was broken, and people were laying dead on the ground. "what happened here," I said. Thomas pressed on something and a video started playing.

"hello, my name is dr Ava Paige. Im director of operations of the World Catastrophe Killzone Experiment Department. If you're watching this then you successfully completed the maze trials. I wish I could be there in person to congratulate you. But circumstances seem to prevent it. Im sure you must by now be very confused, angry, frightened. But I can only assure you that everything that happened to you, everything we have done to you, was all done for a reason. You won't remember, but the sun has scorched our world. Billions of lives are lost to fire. Suffering on global scale. The fallout was unimaginable. But what came after was worse. We called it the flare, a deadly virus that attacks the brain. It is violent, unpredictable, incurable. Or so we thought. In time a new generation emerged that could survive the virus and suddenly there was a reason to hope for the cure. But finding it would not be easy. The young must have to be tested. Even sacrificed in environments where brain activity could be studied. All to understand what makes them different. What makes you different. You may not realise it, but you're very important. Unfortunately, your trials have only just begun. As we have no doubts in discovery, not everyone, agree with our methods. Progress is slow and people are scared. It may be too late for us, for me. But not for you. The outside world waits. Remember, WICKED is good."

The video ended with the woman who called herself Ava shot herself. I looked away. What did this all mean? Thomas looked at something. I looked in the way he was looking. We walked towards a body. The body was wearing the same clothes as... "Ava Paige," Thomas whispered. She was laying on the ground. I turned around and walked towards Chuck. "nothing for you to see come on" I turned him around. Doors opened before us. "is it over?" Chuck said. I let go of his shoulder. "she said we were important" Newt said while he looked at us."But what are we supposed to do now" We all looked at Thomas. "Let's get out of here" Just before we wanted to walk out a voice stopped us."no"

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