Finding Marcus

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We were walking in the extreme warmth again. We needed to find Marcus. Deep inside I really hoped Thomas and Brenda would be there. Since the truth or dare, Aris and I haven't said a lot to each other. Newt was one of the reasons as well. Everytime Aris came close, Newt looked at him like he would kill him. After a while I was too tired. "Can we please have a break? Jorge hesitated but said yes. I sat down. I was really dizzy. I heard Newt talking to me, but I couldn't react. Everything started spinning and I blacked out.

I woke up in Newt his arms. "She's awake," he yelled. I looked up. "what happened?" Jorge walked towards me. "you got dehydrated, so you passed out" I felt my head, it was hurting like hell."you think you can walk further?" Minho asked. I stood up. "yea, we need to find Marcus" After a while we started walking again. Aris was walking next to me. "can we talk?" I looked at him. "sure, whats on your mind" we walked some slower so we were behind the rest."you don't talk to me as much as you used to," he said while he looked at me. "Aris, I really really care about you, and I love you as friends. But I just needed some time. I'm sorry. I didn't see it coming" he nodded. "I get it and I'm sorry" I looked at him."don't be sorry, you know, feelings are feelings and whatever you do you can't change that. Im not mad at all" I saw that he started to smile. "come one kids, were almost there," Jorge yelled. We walked back to everyone. Newt grabbed my hand. "what was that about?" I gave him a kiss on his cheek. "nothing to worry about, we just talked about his feelings" Newt nodded and kissed me on the forehead."I love you," I smiled. "I love you too" Minho looked at us."come on love birds. We are here."

I looked at the city we arrived in. It looked like the other city from before. Only people were walking round here. "try to blend in," Jorge said. I looked around. I saw people from all ages walking around. The scorch reached here too. We walked towards a big house. A man was sitting in front of it. "hello Jorge," he said with a grin. Jorge ignored him and walked inside. "search for Brenda and Thomas, if they are in here they are probably drunk" We all split up and tried to find them. After a while I saw Thomas laying on the ground. Inside I was really happy to see him. I called for Newt and we brought him upstairs. Jorge and the others were there as well with Brenda. Jorge, had Marcus tied up in a chair. He was hitting him and asking where the Right Arm was. After a time, Thomas and Brenda woke up. They looked at Marcus. "that's Marcus?" Thomas asked. We all nodded. "So, Teresa, Addison how is your dad?"Marcus suddenly asked. I turned around just like Teresa. "say that again," I said while I walked towards him. He laughed. "What is he talking about?" Newt asked. "you didn't tell them about your real dad?" Marcus said with a smile. I looked at him. "say one more thing about him, and you will dead" Everyone looked at me. I felt anger boiling inside. "just like him?" Marcus said. That was it. I walked towards him and kicked him in the stomach. "don't talk about my father."

Newt pulled me backwards. "I don't understand, Janson is your father right?" I looked at Teresa. She nodded as a sign I could tell them. "foster father, our real father, was killed when we were younger, from then on Janson took care of us" I saw that Teresa got quiet. I walked towards her and hugged her. "It's okay,'' I said while I patted her back. Jorge held a gun against Marcus. "tell me where the right arm is, or I shoot a bullet through your head," Marcus hesitated. "they move a lot, the last time I saw them they had an outpost in the mountains. But it's a long way, and with WICKED on your ass you will never make it walking," Jorge smiled. "we aren't walking, where is Bertha?"

We all stepped inside a car. "this is Bertha?" I said while I laughed. Jorge looked up. "yes, and Bertha will take us to the Right Arm" We were riding over a long road. I was tired, so I fell asleep on the shoulder from Newt. When I woke up, he was playing with my hair. "what did you think? Lets wake up as well and enjoy the ride?"Minho said while he laughed at me. I punched his arm. "shut up" I looked outside. We were riding in the mountains. The view was beautiful. "We are almost there," Jorge said while he sped up. Suddenly he stopped. "what's wrong? Frypan asked. "we need to walk further" Jorge said. We got out of the car. In front of us were cars standing. We walked farther, but we didn't come far.

A bullet hit the car next to us. "hide!" Jorge yelled. Me, Newt, Minho and Teresa jumped behind the same car. We heard more gunshots. People came from behind the cars. "Stand up and drop your weapons, ' ' A girl's voice said. We did what she said and followed her. Aris looked at her with a confused look. "Aris?" The girl said. "Harriet?" They hugged each other. "You're lucky we didn't shoot your dumbass,' ' the other girl said."eh, what's happening?" Minho asked."they were with me in the maze" Aris said. I sighed in relief. The girl named Harriet whistled as a sign for the others it was safe. "I'm Sonya'' The other girl said. "walk with us'' We walked behind them. "do you know where we can find the right arm?" Thomas asked all of the sudden. The girls stopped before a van. "hop in"

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