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I woke up in a bed. I looked around. What happened? A man was sitting next to me. "I see you woke up" I looked at him."who are you?"he smiled at me."Im Janson, we found you at the base of WICKED. I want to ask you some questions'' I could remember some things, but not much. "what do you want to know?" He stood up and looked at me. "Whose side are you on?" I looked up, confused. "my.. friends'' he smiled but tried to hide it. I got a weird feeling about this man. "and who are your friends?" I tried to remember something. "I know one of them" he looked up confused."tell me" I looked at the sheets. "there was this boy, I think I was in love with him. His name was... Newt'' I looked up. "she remembers, erase her memory again" I wanted to stand up but 2 big guys walked through the door. I got an injection and blacked out again.

I opened my eyes. I was laying in a small room, white walls and not a single window. I stood up and walked outside. A man walked towards me. "I see you woke up," he said with a smile. I looked at him. "who are you and where am I?" he walked closer. "I'm Janson. We found you at a WICKED base. Your safe here," I couldn't remember anything about it, but I was too tired to ask questions. "walk with me then I can show you your room" I walked behind him and we went through some doors. After a few metres we stopped and he opened the door. He walked in and so did I. A boy was sitting on one of the beds. There were two in total. He looked up. He was around my age. "Aris, meet Addison, you will be here roommate till you both can go to the safe place. Shes new so show her around" Janson left, and I walked towards the boy. "Im Addison, can you tell me something about this place?" I said while I sat down on the bed as well. He hesitated but shook my hand. "I'm Aris, and sure, come with me" We walked outside the room. "this is a place where we are safe from WICKED" I looked at him confused. "WICKED?" he turned around. You can't remember anymore?"I looked down."only my name" he saw that my eyes started to water. "don't worry, I'll stay with you."

We were sitting down in the cafeteria. He explained everything to me I should know. I started to get it. Only I couldn't remember anything. Aris and I got very close in 2 days. He was really sweet and my best friend. We were eating something as Janson came in. He started calling names again. Aris and I held each other's hands. We hoped it wasn't our turn. We had fun here. "Emma, Jack, Michel, Rachel and Allison '' At the last one I shot off my chair. For the first seconds I thought it was me but happily it was not. We ate further. After a few minutes a few boys walked in. I got quiet, they looked so... familiar? I didn't know from what I recognized them so I started eating again. We were done fast and went back to our rooms. We sang something like usual. We always did that before going to bed. After that we both fell asleep.


We were brought into a big building. The man who looked after us said we were safe here. I didn't care and went to our room almost immediately. I just couldn't forget Addison. Her dull eyes after she got shot. That picture of her was stuck in my brain. I missed her so much. After an hour Minho, Thomas and the others came as well. Thomas sat next to me. "How are you feeling?" I looked at him. "safe" I looked down. I felt numb. I wanted to cry but I couldn't. My tears were used up. All of the sudden we heard people sing. I stood up. "she sounds like Addison'' Minho looked at me."Newt, she is dead'' I sat down again. In my mind I knew that, but I just tried a way to feel better, to have hope. I didn't say a thing. I listened to the voices. It was beautiful. I thought about the times Addison sang at the bonfire. Man I missed that.


Early in the morning I woke up again. I woke up Aris, and we went to the cafeteria. Aris and I were first as always. We got out food and started eating. More people started to join in the cafeteria. I was just eating while all of the sudden Aris did his arms around my shoulder. "don't look back, they're looking at us again. Don't mind it" It was something which happens more often. Aris was here the longest and his maze was full of girls. Everyone always looked at him and he tried to protect me from the staring faces. "Do you think I was in a maze as well?" I asked while he put his arms down again. He looked at me. "Everyone here was and so were you I think," I thought about it. Last days I kept getting flaws in my memories, but I didn't know from what. I finished my food as a guy stood up and walked towards the guards. He tried to walk through them. It was clearly he was up to something. He and his friends got send back to their dorm. I looked up and made eye contact with one of them. He was blond and had beautiful eyes. He looked at me and blinked several times. Aris saw it happening and stood before me. "let's go back to our room."


"guys I tell you I know 100% it was her, I recognized her eyes, her hair, everything" The boys were looking at me like they saw a ghost."Newt your wrong, Addison isn't here anymore you need to let go of her" I walked frustrated to my bed. "Maybe it was someone who looked like her, you still need to recover from her death," Thomas said. I didn't say a word anymore. First I thought she was singing, then I thought I saw her. Maybe they were right and was I going crazy. "I just miss her."

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