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We were riding towards the mountains. After a while we arrived and we stepped out. A big camp was laying in the mountains. I looked at it. Multiply people were walking around. "they have been making this for over a year now, this is all for us," Harriet said while we walked towards it. Newt grabbed my hand. "It's all over now, love," he said. I smiled. "finally", We walked further. "where's Vince?"Sonya asked to a man."over there" he pointed at a tent. "who's Vince?" Thomas asked. "He's the one who decides if you can stay," Harriet said with a smile. "I thought the right arm was supposed to be an army," I said. A man stepped out of the tent. "we were, this is all that's left of us. A lot of good people died getting us this far. I'm Vince, who are they?"Vince asked to Harriet and Sonya."they're immunes, caught them coming up the mountains," Harriet said. "did you check them?" Vince said. "I know this guy, Aris, I trust him," Sonya said while she pointed at him. Suddenly Brenda fell down and gasped for air.

Everyone ran towards her. "what's wrong?" I said while I turned her on her back. Jorge lifted up her pants. A black bite print was there. My eyes widened. Vince grabbed his gun. "No, please, I said you could help," Thomas said. Vince looked at Brenda. "yea, I can put her out of her misery" I protected Brenda with my arms."please dont," I said. A man grabbed Thomas and me by our arms and dragged us away. "No!" Jorge yelled. "Vince, that's enough, let them go," A lady suddenly said. She walked towards us. "she is infected doc, there is nothing we can do for her," Vince said. The lady smiled. "no, but he can" she pointed Thomas. We looked at each other. "Hello Thomas and Addison"

We looked at her. Vince looked confused as well. "you know us?" Thomas asked. "Thomas, thats Mary," I said with a smile. She hugged me. Thomas was still confused. "It makes sense they'd put you in the maze, though I must admit I was worried they'd kill you two after what you did" Vince looked at us."what they did?"Mary smiled. The first time we spoke, we were with the three of us. You two couldn't take it anymore seeing your friends die, one by one. The last time we spoke, you two gave me all the coordinates of every WICKED compound, trial and lab" I smiled. I saw Thomas remembered as well. "They were our source," Vince said. Mary nodded. "Take this girl to the medical help, Thomas I need your blood" Thomas looked at me. "I can safe her? I smiled and nodded. They walked away. Sonya walked towards me and hugged me. "because of you we got this far," I smiled. She led us to a campfire. We got something to drink and eat. Teresa walked away. "I'm getting some fresh air," she said. I nodded and she walked away. Thomas came back as well. "how is Brenda doing?" I asked. "it worked, she is getting better," I smiled. I was happy to hear that. I sat against Newt looking up in the sky. "are you two together?" Sonya asked. I looked at Newt. "yes", he looked at me."are we?"he laughed. I punched him. "just kidding love" he kissed me. I smiled. We were finally safe.

"Alby would love this," Minho suddenly said. "so would Winston" Frypan replied."and Chuck," Thomas said. I thought about Gally. He would too. I didn't say anything, afraid it would ruin the mood. We watched the fire and laughed. Finally, we had a home. Brenda walked towards us. I stood up and hugged her. "your okay?" I said. She smiled. "I am because of Thomas" she hugged him as well. She sat down. "how did you get bitten?" Minho asked. "We were running from cranks. I fell down in a building which stood sideways. So I fell on the glass. If I fell, I would maybe fall 100 metres. Thomas grabbed my hand but a crank fell down as well. He bit me there. Thomas grabbed my hand and broke the glass, so the crank fell," Brenda said. "cool," Minho said. We all started laughing. "where did Teresa go?" Thomas said all of the sudden. "up there," I said while I pointed at a rock. "I'm going to her, to see if she's okay," Thomas said while he stood up. "I'm coming with you," I said.

We walked up. Teresa was standing there. I walked towards her while I was singing. "Home. A place where I can go. To take this off my shoulders. Someone take me home. Home. A place where I can go. To take this off my shoulders. Someone take me home. Someone take me" She smiled. "we are finally home," I said with a smile. I hugged her and so did Thomas. "can you still remember our mother?" She asked all of the sudden. "yea, she was sick, we locked her up. Every night she was screaming. Suddenly she stopped" I looked at Teresa. "she stabbed her eyes out, said her visions were gone," Teresa finished. "why?" I asked. "there are millions of people out there suffering, just like mom did" she started crying."millions of stories just like ours. We can't turn our back on them. I won't" I looked confused at her. "what are you saying?" She looked me and Thomas in the eyes. "I'm saying, I want you to understand" I looked at Thomas. "understand what?"he asked."Why I did it" suddenly lights of helicopters appeared at the horizon. Teresa looked back. "Please don't fight them," she said. I yelled. "what have you done" Thomas grabbed my hand. "lets go we need to warn the others," We ran downstairs, to late. The helicopters were shooting the whole place. It was WICKED.

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