Chapter 1: First day at the academy

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Sasaka’s POV

I'm joining the academy today. I'm seven years old, but I'm more capable than I look. I learned everything from my older sister Itami, even though she always neglected me because of her job or her best friend Shizuku. But let's not focus on my family now.

Although I'm really jealous of my sister. My father only notices her as if I didn't exist at all. But that will change from today. I'll show him I'm more capable than he thinks!

I came to the academy first. How ridiculous. Do others really want to become ninjas? Nevermind. I'm not interested in others at all. In fact, it will be better if I do not exist for them. I don't need friends and I won’t. I want to do everything myself. The others would just slow me down.

"Ahhh!!!" Huh? A little boy with a silly face and orange clothes came to class. Don’t tell me that he’s my classmate. So pathetic. He fell on the ground.

"Itte!! But at least I’m first here-ttebayo!" But then he noticed me. Ahh.

"Hey, who are you?! I thought I am first-ttebayo!!"

"Geez, you are so loud. I thought that only capable people could become ninjas."

"What did you say?!" He came closer.

"Just mind your own business, loser." He frowned at me.

"Temme, we are classmates, we should get along!"

"That’s not my intention. Just shut up and let me be. I just want to learn. That is, if there is anything else I can learn."

"What makes you say that?! Aren’t you a little mean?!" I frowned at him. I don't want to mess with this jerk. It'll be better if he stays away from me. After a while, the others came to class.

"Ino, why do you always have to be the first?!"

"Stop complaining, it’s not my fault that you are too slow!"

"What did you say?!" I’m ashamed that I’m a girl. I don't belong to them at all.

"Huh, who are you?" they asked.

"Sasaka Uchiha, don’t talk to me." They frowned at me.

"Why is she so mean?" they muttered. Girls are so stupid. I’m sure that if I were a boy, they would fall for me.

"Uhh, there’s no handsome boy in the class…" they muttered again. Now I’m glad I’m not a boy. That would be so annoying. Suddenly, that stupid jerk sat next to me.

"Oi, what do you want?"

"Well, I noticed you are sitting alone. Me too. Always…" He was sad for some reason.

"And who gave you permission to sit here?!"

"Uhh, fine-ttebayo." He sat completely back. What a relief. After a while, the teacher finally came.

"Hmm, hmm, I’m Umino Iruka. From now on I’ll be your class teacher. Did you listen, Naruto?!"

"Huh? What did you say?"

"You are unbelievable…" Really, what is he doing here?

"We will discuss the theory from the beginning. You have to learn to control your chakra. This is the basis for every ninja." Ahh, stupid. I've been able to do this since I was five.

"I see that there are noble clans among us. Sasaka, Hinata, tell us something about chakra control. Your training had to make you do it." Huh? I’m not the only noble clan here?

"A-all right. I’m from clan Hyuuga. My father taught me to control chakra from the age of three…" Three?! Who the hell is her father?!

"F-first, you need to focus your chakra throughout your body. The chakra must be equally balanced in all places, otherwise you will not succeed in any jutsu…" I didn’t hear a word. Why is she so quiet?

"All right, Hinata. Thank you. What about you, Sasaka?"

"Well, without hand seals we can’t even do any jutsu. They help us better control the chakra and create the jutsu we want. Everyone has their own chakra nature too. Jonin has at least two. My clan specializes in Fire Style (Katon)."

"Thank you, Sasaka! So you heard her. Each of you has nature chakra. But you can only get it by controlling the chakra. I hope it motivated you a little and now we'll move on to teaching!" But that jerk was sleeping all the time. I doubt he will finish the academy.

"Naruto, don’t think I don’t see you! And Choji, Kiba, Shikamaru and Naruto, go behind the door!! You are just interrupting my lesson!" Idiots.

"Iruka-sensei is angry, what a drag…" said Shikamaru and left with others. Good. After the lesson, we trained with shurikens.

"All right, Sasaka, it’s your turn." I smirked. This is a game for kids. I threw all the shurikens at once and they all hit the target. Everyone was amazed.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Since I have a lot of work to do now, I will publish chapters once or twice a week. Thank you for understanding and have a nice day. ☺️

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