Chapter 12: Second exam

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Sasaka's POV

So now it was the time for second chunin exam. Before it even started, some crazy chick appeared out of nowhere in front of us.

"My name is Mitarashi Anko and I'm your examiner for the second task..." She looked at us with annoyed face.

"Ibiki, you jerk, you were too mild this time! What I'll do with so many brats?!"

"They all have potential. Deal with it."

"Tss. At least my exam won't let pass even half." Even half?! Cool! I'll get rid of these burdens!

"Now brats, come with me. I'm not so nice as Ibiki here so be careful." She's saying something totally different from what she's doing. Actually she's acting like Naruto.

We followed her and stood in front of the gate to the Forest of death. So this is the second exam. The place we aren't allowed to go on our own. The most dangerous place in our village.

"Now, each team will get a scroll of Earth or a scroll of Heaven. Others won't know which scrolls you have but this time I'll need your autograph. Some of you won't survive this, that's why. You are agreeing you were warned and your death won't be my fault. You'll be in the forest for five days and your goal is to bring both of the scrolls to hidden tower in the centre of the forest. You can use anything you want, bring anything you want and you are allowed to kill your teammates. But... I'd be rather if you avoided this. ANBU has to take care of those corps you know and it's a drag."

Forget it, she's like Shikamaru. But we can even kill. That's good to know. We may appear in situation it'd be too dangerous to let our opponent stay alive so eliminating him will be the best choice and I'll be one step closer to Itami who killed several people per day.

"T-this is really dangerous, hahah." Sakura was scared. I can't blame her. It was so peaceful until now. I saw Naruto approaching Hinata.

"Hinata, are you all right?"

"Y-yes, just little frightened."

"Don't worry, I'm sure with your abilities you'll make it! And if not, I'll definitely save you unlike your useless teammates-ttebayo!" She blushed. I clenched my fists. From now on we are enemies and he'll risk his life and ruins our chance to become chunins for some chick? And I thought he has a crush on Sakura, what a playboy.

The exam started. Our teams split and we were looking for our best hideout. First, we need to come up with a plan. It's obvious others will approach the most weak team. I think it applies to our team too. Even though I'm strong, I have two useless teammates everyone underestimates. Soon there'll appear first enemy. We should find a strong team. Others won't have a chance to attack us because they would tell the strong team their location. They'll be in trap. Now, what team is strong? That Hyuuga guy... He looked much more confident than Hinata and I noticed the hatred in his hard. He'll be tough enemy. And then, the red haired guy without eyebrows. His chakra is frightening. But it's too dangerous to go for his team. They are from the Hidden Sand Village which we know nothing about. We know Hyuuga clan much more. Okay, let's find them.

But while I thought about the plan, Naruto got lost.

"Where the hell is that idiot?!"

"He said he heard Hinata's scream or something." I face-palmed. He meant it seriously.

"Do you think he'll come alive?"

"I don't know, if Hinata is the one who's in danger, I don't think Naruto has a chance. Hinata is strong enough to take care of herself but it looks like they came across a strong team." Said Sakura.

"Thanks, Sakura. I'll drag his ass here. Please, hide somewhere near and hide your chakra. You have perfect chakra control so I count on you. We can't let others know of our position." She smiled.

"You make me blush, of course I'll do it, Sasaka. And... I'm glad I was put in a team with you." I smirked.

"You know what? Me too. It's hard to handle that idiot on your own."

"Completely agreed!" She quietly laughed. Then she went to hide and I went to find that idiot.

"Sharingan!" It should be easier to find him even though Byakugan would be the best doujutsu right now.

I saw a big snake. I closely looked at it. I noticed two chakras in it. One was extremely large. That must be Naruto. Okay.

"Katon, Housenka no jutsu!" I aimed at it's eyes. It was blind now.

"Wahh!! It burns-ttebayo!" Confirmed.

Then I used my kunai and cut it's throat. Hinata coughed and that idiot touched is ass. I guess it got near my katon.

"Sasaka! You are a life savior!" I was irritated and slapped him.

"Don't do what you want on your own. You could put our team in danger. If I could shout right now, I'd be out of breath."

"But Hinata was..."

"If Hinata is or isn't in danger is not your problem. It's her team who should take care of her. And where are they? It's really sad but now Sakura can be in danger because of you. I had to leave her to save you two. Now let's go back before something happens." He frowned at me.

"So you are saying because of this stupid exam we should let our friends die just because we are enemies right now? Are you really that emotionless?"

"This exam is everything to me. Try to ruin my goal once again and I won't have mercy."

"You are... really hateable. There's nothing nice on you and there's no way someone will ever love you-ttebayo." He said. I was shocked. I didn't expect such a cold shower from him but it didn't hurt. I already accepted the hatred. We head back to Sakura who successfully hid her chakra and stayed safe. At least someone listens to me. Now Naruto is even a bigger burden. The first day was ending but even at night we had to stay on guard. I switched with relatable Sakura. Naruto quickly fell asleep.


Author's note: Why do I have a feeling Sakura would be much better character if she wasn't so obsessed with Sasuke? She has a great potential and I hope I made her likeable in this story.

Question - Would you like a new cover for this story? This one is just an edit of actual characters but now I'm more confident in my drawings and think I could make a better decision which would be all mine besides characters design.

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