Chapter 24: The choice is yours

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After I learned Rasengan and Ero-sennin came, I went to show him.

"Ero-sennin, look, look!"

"I'm sorry, Naruto, I don't have time now. I have to help Tsunade with the inauguration."

"But I learnt Rasengan..."

"Huh? Really?! How?!"

"Kakashi-sensei taught me when you were gone. After month I managed to master it."

"I see, I see. I guess I can stay here for a while, show me!"

I made one clone.


"Ohh, perfect! You are one step closer to beat Akatsuki." I was sad.

"That's not important now... Sasaka left the village and I failed to convince her."

"Huh? That Uchiha girl? Why?"

"I don't know but I'm sure her sister has something to do with it and that's why I have to meet her."

"You can't now in your state! Naruto, you have more and more training to do before you can oppose her."

"But how can I become strong in a short time?"

"Come with me. I'll take you to three years training to make you strong!" I looked at him with annoyed face.

"I don't need to know perverted techniques how to spy on girls."

"Ahh, you know me too well."

"I'm grateful you taught me Kuchiyose, Ero-sennin but I guess I'll go my own way."

"Own way?"

"I can't leave the village when Sasaka could need help and come back. I need to stay here for her."

"Akatsuki are after you, now's not the time to look after someone else."

"Someone else?! She's more important to me than myself! She's the first bond I've made here and I can't cut the only bond she has!" He looked at me with perverted face.

"You love her, don't you?" Suddenly I blushed...

"You don't even try to hide it. Ahh, young love is worse than rivalry. Fine, I'll try to find you your own training."


"By the way, Naruto. When I went to look for Tsunade, we were confronted by Orochimaru. He was looking for Sasaka but needed his hands to be healed. Tsunade rejected his offer bringing her dear loved ones back for healing his hands. It was hard to get her on my side but when she learned about what happened in the village, she changed her mind. She couldn't forgive Orochimaru for killing her "godfather" Third. After all her loved ones died, he and me were the only ones there for her but I often left on a journey. Now I'm going to leave too and in the end it's better you won't come with me. The question is, what are you willing to do for her?"

"What do you mean-ttebayo?"

"I had in mind that the best way you could get strong in a short time is... to become one of the ANBU."

"W-wait, but Kakashi-sensei said they are tasked to kill people! I can't take someone's life!"

"Does it mean you couldn't kill one Akatsuki member when he'd try to kidnap you? They are also just people. ANBU is trained to kill dangerous and even S-ranked criminals. This experience made Kakashi strong."

"But I don't want to be emotionless!"

"Does Kakashi seem emotionless to you? You mistake ANBU with Root. In ANBU you are even allowed to have relationship and children. It's different in Root... there you have to kill all your emotionless and even the person you grew up with. You'll just have to kill that part in yourself that thinks killing is just evil. As shinobi killing is okay if it's the only choice how to protect yourself, your loved ones and the village. You can choose, Naruto. Get quickly stronger and experienced in ANBU under Kakashi's lookout or three years with me. I'd leave you alone from time to time because I have my own missions I need to take care of. And all I'd learn you is the basics you lack from the academy. But in ANBU you'd be in danger everyday and you'd get stronger each time. It will be much much harder even for your mental health. It's up to you."

"You said Kakashi-sensei would look after me... and he's the one who taught me Rasengan and the one who taught Sasaka chidori. I'm sure he can make me strong enough to bring Sasaka back and take care of Akatsuki!" He smirked.

"Naruto, I'll tell you a secret. With me you couldn't wander around on your own but in ANBU you'll get several missions in different places and Kakashi will always be with you. You can even find some clues where could have Sasaka disappeared. Don't forget, Naruto, the only you can't do as a shinobi is to give up! I believe you'll make it!" I smiled.


"So, what will you do?!"

"Join ANBU forces!"

"Great! But it is now in Kakashi's hands if he lets you join them!"

"Heh?! I can't join them like this?"

"Do you think such unskilled ninja like you can go and kill dangerous nukenins? No way. Kakashi has to train you before that!" I bowed my head. Another obstacle .

"One more thing, Naruto... don't use Kyuubi's chakra too often, this way the seal gets weak and you can kill even your comrades without knowing. Try to depend on your own power."

"Then why did I learn to use it?"

"Sometimes when it's no other choice you'll have to use it but not everything you get in fight, do you understand? Just when you are in danger. Now that you know rasengan I'm not afraid." I nodded.


"After Tsunade will become Hokage, I'll disappear again so take care of yourself and listen to your senpais."

"You say it like we'd never see each other again."

"Even that's possible, both your and my lives are in danger. One of us can get killed and we'll never see each other again but that doesn't mean the other one will forget about his ninja way because of that."

"Don't even say something like that! I take you is my geezer! Grandpa! And Tsunade is grandma."

"I'm gonna blush. Well, I'll go talk to Kakashi and Tsunade about you. Now find your friends. You won't have time for them once you join ANBU." I nodded. Then I clenched my fists. I finally have the chance to become really strong-ttebayo!#

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