Chapter 17: The Finals

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Naruto's POV

That old man didn't even pay attention to my training. He just wanted to go to river to find some chicks in bikini.

"Oi, Ero-sennin, when will you teach me Kuchiyose no jutsu?!"

"Hush, hush, I'm doing a research."

"Please, J-I-R-A-I-Y-A-S-A-M-A?"

"Ohh, you are here!!" He finally turned around.

"It's just you." I grabbed his hand.

"Let's go training you stupid old pervert!" I dragged him away even though he's so heavy.

"Are you even able to use Kyuubi's chakra already?"

"Well, you taught me to release a little bit of it. I know I can do that just when I'm out of my own chakra."

"Fine... since I unsealed Orochimaru's blocking seal, you can finally control it and walk on the water. That was also the reason, why we came here." Liar. He lent me his scroll.

"Now, sign here with your own blood." I nodded. I signed there as he said.

"Now I'll show you the seals. BOAR-DOG-BIRD-MONKEY-RAM! KUCHIYOSE NO JUTSU!" A big toad appeared in front of me. Amazing. With this technique I could defeat the snake on my own.

I repeated the hand sings and bit my finger.

"Kuchiyose no jutsu!" Huh? Just a small tadpole appeared in front me. Ero-sennin laughed.

"You are hopeless. Now train until you are out of chakra. I'll continue doing my research." Tss. I tried it again. Again. Again. Again and again. It was still the same size. How will I make it to the Finals? I still didn't give up and several days later I summoned a real toad. It was pretty small but it was a toad.

"Ahh, I guess there's no other choice... sorry, Minato." Ero-sennin came to me.

"Naruto... to gain the true power, you must die."

"Die? W-wait-ttebayo-!" He snarled at my forehead. The hit was so powerful I fell down of the reef. I tried using my chakra but couldn't stop the speed. I was so scared I'm gonna die here. The light went off. Suddenly I appeared in a dark wet room. I was coming closer and closer to the big golden cage.

"So you finally came to visit me, brat."


"Yes, and now I can I finally eat you!" He tried to kill me with his claws. I quickly stepped back.

"Look, stupid demon fox, give me your power because if I die, you die too. It's fair, isn't it?"

"What makes you think I'd die too? But that doesn't matter, I'll give it to you as a rent for living in your body even though my goal is to get away." I appeared in reality again.

"Kuchiyose no jutsu!!" I summoned a giant old toad. 

"Oi, Jiraiya, do you have fingers in this??"  It spoke! But that fox spoke too...

"No, I'm the one who summoned you and now you are going to listen to me, my henchman-ttebayo!"

"Henchman?" He laughed and jumped really high, I almost fell down.

"You are still up there? Fine, I'm gonna make you my student if you can hold onto me till the sun goes down."

"Okay, I'll do it!" But I didn't expect he'd be jumping the whole time. I even felt sick! Thanks to my bigger amount of chakra and shadow clones I almost made it. But when the sun was slowly going down, I was so exhausted I slipped from the chief. I fell asleep on the ground.

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