Chapter 5: I don't need you

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Naruto’s POV

"What’s wrong with her? She didn’t act like this before…"

"N-Naruto-kun, you can go after her if you want…"

"No, Hinata, no way I’ll leave you because of some chic who doesn’t even care about me-ttebayo!"

"A-are you sure? I think that Sasaka-chan is struggling with something… Maybe we should help her."

"Why are you so nice to her? She was pretty mean."

"I-I guess that’s my personality. I can’t see her like this… And she reminds me of me…"


"M-my clan is alive, but it’s like I’m dead for them. My father ignores me, my cousin hates me and my sister is dissapointed in me."

"I didn’t know that… Hyuuga clan is pretty strict." She nodded.

"My mother died when I was little… I think she was the only one who never judged me. Others think I’m weak because I don’t want to hurt others… But I guess they are right. Someone like me shouldn’t even be a ninja."

"What are you saying, Hinata! This is the reason why you should become a ninja! To prove them wrong! I’m sure you can do it! You are even better than me…" She blushed.

"B-better than you? T-that’s…"

"True, I have bad grades and I can’t do ninjutsu very well. But I won’t give up! One day I’ll beat Sasaka!" I clenched my fist. She smiled.

"Thank you, Naruto-kun, I needed this. And I won’t give up, also because of you!" I smiled. But still… What is Sasaka doing? In times like this she shouldn’t be alone…

Sasaka’s POV

That idiot. Are we a shelter for dogs? I was okay with him. But that’s enough. I don’t need anyone else.

Right now I’m heading to our neighborhood. The neighborhood was deserted and there were police tapes everywhere. All the memories came back to my head. Even the ugly dream Itami showed me.

I came to our house. The building was dilapidated. When I walked in, I could still see the blood of our parents. I couldn’t handle it and knelt down.

Why?! Why Itami?! For what reason you had to kill all of them?! I punched the floor. My fist was bleeding. With the rage I felt a new energy I already felt before. I looked into a broken mirror.

"One-tomoe Sharingan. Just as I thought. But I still can’t defeat her with this. I have to train more… And that’s why I should ignore others. They would just bother me. I don’t need their pity. Despite the sadness, I decided to go to the lake.

Dad taught me here Katon: Goukakyuu no jutsu. I was happy when I finally succeeded and he praised me for the first time.

"You really are worthy of being my daughter, Sasaka. Keep it up."

I wish to hear him saying this again… Even though my parents are gone, I decided to make their own grave by the lake. I don't want to forget them and they will remind me of my hatred for Itami.


The time skip awaits us. They'll be genins from now on. 😁

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