Chapter 31: TS Welcome back

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Naruto's POV

"You are quite pathetic for a jinchuuriky. This guy right here was definitely more tough but I guess he has to be as a Kazekage, hmm."

"You bastard!! Don't act like you didn't do anything wrong! Your death will be mine!"

"Naruto, calm down. There's no place for stupid mistakes. We'll take him down together. You can't do anything like this!" He's right. I can't with my hands like this.

"Naruto, now I'll need you to distract him. You can't use your hands but try anything else." I nodded. I threw kunai with my legs and caught it with my mouth. Then I jumped on the bird of his.

"Hah? Do you really want to die?"

"No, just..." I kicked his chin and when he fell down I stepped on his neck.

"Bastard, I still have my hand!"

"Now!!" Kakashi-sensei nodded and used his technique. It sucked his remaining hand.

"Fk, I'll get you for this!" He chew the claw with his mouth when I had to step back thanks to Kakashi-sensei's sensei technique.

"Naruto, go back!" I quickly jumped down. He made a big explosion. I didn't expect him to throw it so close to himself. His bird didn't make it and both fell down.

"Now's my chance!!" I quickly approached them. Gaara fell down of it's mouth and fell few meters beside them.

"Gaara, Gaara, Gaara!!" I called him but no response. His heart wasn't beating. So it's really the end, huh? I wish I was this calm but I couldn't bear it and went berserk.

"Naruto, calm down!!"

"It's too late now, he's in control of my mind!" I said my last words before transformation. Then I lost my mind. I woke up next to Gaara. I saw Kakashi-sensei bleeding.

"It was me, right?" He nodded. I punched the ground.

"You know I'd never hurt you, sensei! But this thing... I can't control it!"

"This time I could stop it but you have to control your emotions. Many of your comrades die but you lost control just when it came to Gaara."

"Because he's special. He's the only friend that understands my pain and seeing someone do this to him and stupidly laugh at his death, it's really getting on my nerves." He put his hand on my shoulder.

"I get you, Naruto. But never forget we are here for you to bear with the pain." A tear came from my eye. I had to hug him. Besides Iruka-sensei, I'd want my father to be like Kakashi-sensei. He taught me everything I know and was always here for me.

"Sorry for ruining your sad moments but don't forget about me!"

"And don't forget about us!" Team Asuma!

"Huh? Reinforcements?"

"You caused enough damage to Konoha and Sunagakure. You should be punished properly!" Ino came to us.

"Naruto, let me look at you!" But when she saw Gaara, she almost cried.

"S-so cruel... How can they sacrifice human lives for power?"

"They don't have emotions, don't forget." She swallowed and started healing me and Kakashi-sensei.

"I'm worried about Sakura." I said.

"Oh, don't be. When we got out of the trap and went to their hideout, no one besides Sasori's corpse was there! Sakura is really reliable with that granny. But they have some problems I think. We didn't meet them on our way and we are still here first."

"Maybe he poisoned them like Kankurou. Sakura had some antidote but..."

"Don't even say it, I'm really worried now."

"I see you are friends again."

"Yeah... I finally stood up against my parents about hating you. I explained them you are no danger for our village and Gaara being Kazekage helped them understand jinchuuriky aren't bad and the hate is really unnecessary... I just hate myself for listening to their opinions and breaking my friendship with Sakura."

"You should be, she hated me for a long time when I was into her."

"Now's your chance."

"Well, now it'd be a lot easier but my heart belongs to someone else."


"Hinata is amazing but for someone else."

"Then that nukenin... Are you really serious? You have so many amazing girls in the village and go for criminal that betrayed us all?"

"She's just being used!"

"I don't get it. And if she does something to other villages, believe we'll have to kill her." I frowned.

"You should understand that as ANBU. Dangerous criminals should be killed."

"You are just saying this because you never liked her! Sakura has different opinion!"

"Yeah, I don't know how Sakura can think she's her best friend. She was always so mean."

"Believe it or not but Sasaka treated her better than you ever did. She saved her multiple times and me too. Now it's our turn to help her from that jerk! I'll beat all Akatsuki's asses!" She smirked.

"There's no point in convincing you. You have your own mind." I nodded. After a while came hurt Sakura and Chiyo-baa.

"N-Naruto, quickly... take Gaara to us. Chiyo-baa-san has her last wish." I did as she said. It must be urgent. She kneeled down to Gaara and used some technique on him.

"What is it?"

"Technique which can bring dead to life... It's a forbidden technique in their village and it even surpasses Edo-tensei." Wow. I never heard of a technique like this. She didn't have enough chakra so I lent her a hand.

"T-thanks, Naruto..."

"Please, save his life!" She smiled.

"I can see just from your eyes your heart is pure. Promise me to protect Gaara and the future of Sunagakure..." I nodded. Her chakra was weaker and weaker.

Then she fell down on the ground. Sakura came to hear but shook her head and cried.

"Thank you, Chiyo-baa..." Even though it surpasses Edo-tensei... you can use it just once.

Gaara started waking up.

"Gaara! Gaara! Oi, Gaara!" He opened his eyes.

"W-what-?" I hugged him.

"Do you know how much you made us worry!" Ino looked at him.

"Woah, it really seems Chiyo-baa healed all your wounds! Does anything hurt you?"

"No, I'm alright, thank you."

"Ahh, glad you woke up. Naruto started to be annoying."

"Oi, what did you say?!"

"Oh, wait, he was always annoying, hahah."

"Talk about yourself!" Gaara laughed too for the first time I saw.

"You two are really funny." We looked at each other and laughed. Then came Temari, healed Kankurou and others. Some girls pushed Ino away which she didn't like at all.

"Behave yourself, stupid girl!"

"Heh? Who's this chick? I hope a foreigner like her doesn't think she can abduct Gaara-sama's heart."

"Ahh, I had enough!" She used her technique to make those two girls fight each other.

"Thanks, they are som

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2023 ⏰

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