Chapter 27: TS Feelings

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"Naruto, it's been a long time I have seen you."

"Oh, Iruka-sensei! It really is."

"I see you are in your ANBU uniform... you know, I would never think that from such brat will grow a man everyone can depend on."

"Don't exaggerate, you know why I'm doing all this and I still have a lot to learn."

"I still can't believe you are able to do all this for one girl. She's basically controlling your life."

"It's not like that!"

"Look, I'm just worried about you. You should think about yourself way more."

"I can't be that selfish when I know what's Sasaka going through."

"You can't know that and she left on her own. You should forget about her."

"What? Forget about her?! How can I! I think about her all day and night. I can't sleep. I worry so much that man she followed betrayed her and killed her without me knowing! She didn't say anything to anyone... and I didn't find a single clue... I feel desperate. Like those years of training were for nothing..."

"For nothing? Look how strong you are. You are jonin now and strong as Kakashi-san, maybe more. You made for Sasaka way more than she deserves and I'm sure with time you'll find something about her." I calmed down. I guess I needed to hear this.

"Excuse me, Iruka-sensei, I have to go now!"

"Oi, what about your ramen?!"

"You pay, thanks!"

"That little... he's not so reliable after all..."

I rushed to Sasaka's apartment. Why did I never think of this? I broke inside and looked around... Her clothes are here and her headband. She even crossed the Konoha symbol. The whole room still smelled like her after those years. I look for some message but it looks like she didn't have anything to say after all. I took the headband and left. And I thought I have something.


"Oh, Hinata. It's you."

"So rate to see you here... How are you?"

"I'm fine."

"Don't lie. My Byakugan can see that." I laughed.

"Fine, it just frustrates me. I dedicated these years to ANBU to get closer to finding Sasaka and I still have nothing. I think it'd be easier if she just went to Orochimaru. At least Ero-sennin knows all of his hideouts."

"You love her, don't you." I clenched my fists.

"Are you mad?"


"Hinata, I'm not stupid anymore. I know you have feelings for me. Even Sasaka said that." She blushed and slowly nodded.

"I-I wanted to tell you."

"Does it hurt when your feelings are rejected?"

"It hurts a lot."

"Sorry... I just remembered that one time. It must be hard for you to talk to me."

"N-not at all. I just want to see you happy even if it should be with Sasaka-chan. That's how love works, right?"

"You are the best, Hinata."

"But quite not the best in your heart."

"Umm... Do you want to go somewhere?"

"Oh, sorry, I just met you on my way to cousin Neji. I have to train."

"You are strong enough."

"That's not enough. I also want to help you to find Sasaka-chan. Just don't give up. That's your ninja way, right?" She smiled. She gave me back the spirit I missed.

"You are right! I will definitely find her and take her ass back!"

"That's more like it!" She continued in her way and I waved at her. So nice to have friends. I wonder if Sasaka is alone right now.

Sasaka's POV

"Guys, don't kill this trash, they aren't worth of our time."

"Why do you act like a leader, Sasaka!"

"Anything for you, m'lady." Heh. I wrapped Suigetsu around my finger. Just Karin is still making problems. We are killing problematic ninjas for money and I finally killed all my emotions. Madara appeared out of nowhere.

"Sasaka, why don't you kill them all? Are you still soft after those two years?"

"Don't be silly. Why waste your energy on someone like them? They'll die anyway because they are weak. Just Itami is worthy of that!"

"Right, right but today is different. Konoha ANBU is taking care of criminals we are asked to kill and I don't like that because we don't get the money for the bodies. Sasaka, I need you to show them to mind their own business."

"You don't mean that seriously... What if they recognize me? I left the village for a reason."

"And you promised to do anything for power. Is the new Kekkei genkai I implanted in you not enough?" I frowned. It still hurts after the operation and I still can't know it will work. The lava release. He implanted in me the DNA of a strong user of it thanks to White Zetsu.

"We are going there."

"Wait, I'll teleport you there so it's quicker." What's with this? He's always teleporting me on my missions. Is he scared I would betray him or something? I barely know my surroundings.

Suddenly we appeared in front of Konoha in the Forbidden Forest. We spotted an ANBU member guarding the place. That's just great.

"Suigetsu, kill him."

"So now you kill?!"

"My pleasure, Sasaka!" He really does everything I tell him. He's lucky he's strong because the simping is the only good thing about him. Looks like he informed his comrades. Now I'll just wait here for the leader.

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