Chapter 23: The last goodbye

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I packed my things and left the key to my apartment here. For the last time I made my bed. The photo of my team I got on our first mission... I threw it to the trash. It's worthless now I'm decided.

It was midnight and I headed to the forest but on my way...

"Naruto? Why aren't you asleep?"

"Sakura told me about your weird behavior! What are you trying to do, Sasaka? My shadow clone saw you coming from the Forbidden forest. Don't lie to me. What were you looking for-ttebayo?" I smirked.

"I have nothing to tell you and now get off my way."

"No, I won't let you go! Even though, even though you don't take me as your friend, I genuinely care about you! Just come back with me, okay?"

"Don't be so naive. The whole time you cared about Sakura and Hinata more, what changed your mind? Should I be more rude to you for you to know I don't want anything to do with you anymore?!"

"Are you jealous or what? I know I said some harsh things about you but you don't give me other choice. You are rude, cold, mean and emotionless but you are also kind, you can smile, you can blush and forget about the past. I like this kind side of you."

"This Sasaka is dead, Naruto and you'll never see her again."

"What should I do for you to change your decision?!"

"Say, Naruto... do you love me?"

"Love like love? Of course not, why would I-?"

"See? You just said you don't care about me."

"I care about you as my friend."

"Such worthless bond won't make me change my mind. Goodbye, Naruto..." He ran in front of me.

"If this will get you back to the village... Sasaka, I love you!" I smirked again.

"I knew it... even this confession I once wished you made doesn't make me feel anything. I really cut my bond with you and I wouldn't even mind killing you now."

"W-what are you saying? You can't be Sasaka, it's just Henge, right?" I woke my Sharingan.

"This is reality, Naruto. And if you can't leave me alone, I'll have to make you."

"Fine, you wanted to fight anyway. I'll do this for your good!" He doesn't understand anything. I'll make this quick.


"Kuchiyose no jutsu!" Small toad appeared in front of me.

"Are you just serious or making fun of me?"

"Damn, Ero-sennin didn't teach me anything else... wait. Tajuu Kage bunshin no jutsu!" Shadow clones again. This is not good. He'll make too much noise. He made at least 500 of them.

"This way I'll waste my chakra." But this decision wasn't smart in the end, Naruto. When he attacked me with few of his clones, I changed to one of them and managed to get away while he fought himself. I can't believe this jerk surpassed me. Just because of lucky chakra. I was getting near to the forest. He can't catch me now.

Naruto's POV

"Oi, where is Sasaka?" One of my clones said. Oh no. I released them all. She's gone! I had tried to look for her one more time but I got lost in the forest. I didn't have strength anymore after wasting my chakra. My plan didn't work just as it had worked on Neji... I fell down on my knees from the exhaust. The next day I woke woke up in the hospital. Kakashi-sensei was sitting by my side while he was reading that book again.

"Oh, you are awake. How do you feel?"

"Where is Sasaka?!"

"I don't know, you tell me."

"She wanted to go to the Forbidden forest but didn't want to tell me why... And she said she had cut her bond with me and us. That old Sasaka is gone..."

"I see... following her sisters steps, huh?"

"Aren't you shocked?"

"To be honest, I was expecting this but I'm genuinely sorry I didn't help you, Naruto. It had to be hard for you. One of the ANBU brought you here and informed me about everything..."

"Is there no chance to bring her back?"

"I don't think..."

"And couldn't it be Orochimaru?!"

"Naruto... when you and your team stopped Gaara... our Hokage fought Orochimaru and died during this battle. It couldn't be Orochimaru because Lord Third sealed his hands and his techniques. He's too weak now to attempt something."

"Sasaka couldn't even go to his funeral..."

"Naruto, do you hate yourself right now?"

"I do for my weakness! If I weren't so dumb I could have stopped her."

"Jiraiya just went for Lady Tsunade, right? Just wait for him, I'm sure he'll teach you some great techniques."

"I wanted to go with him but then Sakura told me about Sasaka's behavior."

"Not chan anymore?"

"I don't deserve to love anyone. It just made Sasaka leave."

"Relationships are hard, huh? I read it in this book too but skulking won't help anyone. Naruto, Akatsuki are after you. Jiraiya's researches say they started acting."

"That means even Sasaka's sister..." He nodded.

"I have to meet her."

"And you die, don't be stupid. In this state you can't do anything."

"Than what should I do?"

"Ahh... I don't have other choice, right? I told you to wait for Jiraiya but if you want, I can teach you the technique myself."


"You know chidori."

"Yes, Sasaka tried to use it against me but I already know I can't learn it."

"There's one similar technique to it but it's about talent and hard work. Rasengan created by Lord Fourth. I'm sure he'd want you to learn it."

"Really, really?" He nodded.

"It'd be better from Jiraiya but I owe you some training when I spent all my time with Sasaka."

"Say, Kakashi-sensei, wasn't she acting weird with you?"

"I didn't notice. Leave it be, Naruto. Thinking about past won't help you."

"You are right. So when will you teach me?"

"Once you get back off the hospital."


One week later Kakashi-sensei taught me this rasengan. At first I wanted to give up. I kept failing to burst the water ball. Kakashi-sensei told me he got this idea from Jiraiya sensei from whom he learned it. When I managed to rotate and burst it with my chakra, we moved to normal ball without water. I was disappointed but it was even harder. It was about strength. After bigger chakra release I made it burst but it took another two weeks. I didn't feel my body anymore. When my chakra was back, Kakashi-sensei showed me the shape I should keep and this time I can't burst the balloon but make rasengan. I destroyed all of the balloons and still couldn't make the rasengan but the thought of Sasaka being in danger kept me motivated. In the next week I finally made the rasengan and it was the week when Ero-sennin came back even with that Tsunade. Did his perverted techniques finally work? 

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