Chapter 20: Naruto's anger, Sasaka's in danger

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Sasaka's POV

I was ordered to follow Gaara and his squad. I don't even know what happened out of sudden but I followed the orders. They were fast but I could keep up. When I was finally approaching them, one of them stopped moving. I stopped running when I saw him.

"You are not gonna get through me, Uchiha girl."

"I don't have time to deal with your ass." I wanted to bypass him but he caught me with chakra strings."

"You know, you are pretty rude for such a girl. You should know your place." He said and pulled out his puppet. Like what's he gonna do with it? Dance at his funeral?"

"That's enough, Sasaka, let me deal with him." Bug guy? He appeared out of nowhere.

"Tss, reinforcements." Said Kankurou.

"Fine, S-Shino, right? Do what you want with him. I don't have time anymore." He nodded.

When I bypassed Kankurou, he tried to attack me with his puppet but Shino stopped him.

"I'm your enemy and I hate when I'm being ignored."

"Disgusting insects, don't you have anything better?" Shino got angry.

"How dare you call my cute buts like that? I swear I'll win this battle." Nice, I could finally go. But then that chick with fan stopped me.

"Your way ends here."

"I just wanted to say the same thing!" I don't have time for this.

"Katon: Goukakyuu no jutsu!" She thought her wind will bounce it off but she still has a lot to learn about chakra natures. Of course fire defeated it and she was slammed to the tree. I approached her and strangled her.

"Looks like you don't have enough chakra, was Shikamaru that good? Even though we are both girls, I have no sympathy for you."

"I was just gonna say that!" A whirlwind attacked me from behind but it was just kawarimi. When she thought she got me, I threw paper bombs at her.

"Damn it!" I smirked. Now I'm gonna catch Gaara. I stopped for a moment when I sensed familiar chakra.

"Naruto? Is he trying to get in my way again?" I continued in my way. I have to defeat Gaara before the burdens get here. I don't have enough chakra to protect them all plus... my mark on the shoulder is starting to hurt. It's stronger and stronger... like Orochimaru is somewhere near. I thought Kakashi lured him out but he's not considered on to be defeated so easily.

Gaara's chakra is getting stronger. He stopped moving and I finally caught up to him.

"I won't let you have your way!" His left side of his body was already absorbed by the monster.

I used it twice... is it alright to use it for the third time?

"Remember, you can use it twice, one more will make you unconscious and the fourth can even kill you so don't try your luck on this."

I know my body the best. I'm sure I can use it without hurting myself now.

I made the hand seals. My mark started extremely hurting. Such a pain can't take my chance. When Gaara was out of his mind, I attacked him from behind.

"Chidori!" My chidori was much weaker than before. I didn't have enough chakra. It didn't make a thing to him either and he slammed me with his beast tail. I coughed blood but still kept my conscience. When I thought I'm gonna hit my back, someone caught as I was completely exhausted.

"Sasaka, you are being reckless again-ttebayo. When will you learn you can't do everything yourself?" Naruto... I fell asleep in his arms.

Naruto's POV

As I hurried to help Sasaka, I saw her being completely beaten by that monster and it made me angry. Seeing Sasaka so powerless is really rare. She's always so overconfident, mean and isn't afraid of anyone. When we fought Orochimaru, it was nice to see she's afraid of someone in the end but she still didn't give up. Seeing this side of her really hurts me.

"Oi, I'm gonna pay you back for what you did to Sasaka!" He laughed like a psycho.

"Tajuu kage bunshin no jutsu!" Suddenly came that chick who fought Shikamaru.

"G-Gaara... so many clones. And where is that... she's unconscious?! How?! And what's that black tattoo that keeps getting bigger?!" I looked at Sasaka. Her marked was seen on her whole body. Is it slowly possessing her when she doesn't have any chakra left?! I wasn't careful and Gaara already defeated my clones.

"Is that all you have?! I want more! MORE!!" He's sick. I gave him more clones.

"Just look, I have this move from Bushy Brows!" I slightly stole his move when he fought this jerk.

"U-zu-ma-ki-Naruto Rendan!" I managed to hit him! He touched his head again...

"He's doing it again, in this case, he'll change into the final form in a matter of minutes. I should hide or he'll definitely kill me." What is that chick talking about?

While Gaara touched his head, I was trying to use Kakashi-sensei's special technique. I mischievously laughed.

"Feel it! Thousand years of pain!" I hit his ass.

"No way, he found his weak spot."

"What the hell is that?" Said annoyed Sakura-chan.

But then Gaara hit me with his tail and aimed for Sasaka.

"I have enough! Now you'll know the despair!" Sakura-chan tried to protect Sasaka but Gaara caught her and Sasaka.

"You bastard!"

"Now, your precious friends' lives are in my hands. What are you gonna do now?!" He kept strangling them. I never imagined it but now I appeared in a situation where could I lose my friends. That made me angry...


"Sabaku kyu!" Huh? A sand surrounded me. He wanted to use this technique when he attacked Bushy Brows. In this case... I'm lucky I'm out of my own chakra. I released Kyuubi's chakra and was able to get out of this technique by using Kuchiyose no jutsu.

"Toad Chief!"

"What the hell? What's this?"

"Please, he's trying to kill me and my friends. Will you help me?"

"And why should I do that?"

"Hah?! Don't you have anyone you want to protect like Ero-sennin for example?!"

"No way you mentioned him but I have two kids... Fine, I'll help you as my student. You impressed me the last time so as your boss it's time for me to impress you now."

I smirked. That's the chief I admire.

"Boy, jump on my head now. I'll need your chakra for this!" I nodded. I didn't expect he'll actually cooperate.

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