Chapter 22: The most important decision

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Sasaka's POV

Several weeks later I was healed again and felt well. Sakura told me it was Naruto who saved me this time. I should be happy but at the same time it frustrates me. Naruto defeated the enemy I couldn't. How can I defeat my sister when I can't even defeat one genin? I... need to get stronger! Kakashi taught me one thing but it was completely useless. I just managed to release myself from Gaara's deadly technique. I punched the wall. So useless.

I went to the bathroom and with my kunai I started cutting my hair. I was so angry I needed to cut something. Strands of hair were falling into the sink. I looked at myself. I had tears in my eyes.

"She'll come to me seeking for power! Come, Sasaka, I'll make you strong!"

I shook my head. I can't. I'd betray my village just as my sister. Even she was able to get strong in the village. And he's not even worth trusting. He'd just give me some drugs and then if I weren't careful he'd take my body and I wouldn't be able to find my revenge... Then suddenly I saw a vision of my sister in the mirror. I punched it and broke it. Blood was coming from my hand. I can't even see her face.

Then I decided to wander around my village.

"Huh? Is that you, Sasaka? I see you have a new hairstyle."

"Yeah, the long hair was just a burden. It's better like this." Go away, I don't want to hurt you, Sakura.

"Hmm? It's a little crooked. Let me repair it!" I slapped her hand.

"Don't touch me!" I said and started running.

"Her hand was just bleeding..." I ran deep to the Forbidden forest. This pain and frustration in my heart is unbearable. As I was almost at the end of the forest, I saw a man in a dark cloak.

"I'm sorry, did you get lost?" He laughed.

"Shouldn't I ask you the same thing, Sasaka Uchiha?"

"How do you know my name?" I prepared my kunai. He turned around. And he had... Sharingan?

"Very funny, Kakashi."

"Don't even mention that scum. I'm not that fake Uchiha and I'll prove it." I appeared in a genjutsu. Huh? This was weird, I couldn't even use Kai.

"Such lame technique won't work. Is that enough proving I'm real Uchiha?"

"T-then tell me your name. I still can't trust stranger!" He unreleased the technique.

"I'm Uchiha Madara."

"Don't lie to me, he died a long time ago!"

"I'm surprised such a brat like you even know that name. If you know him, you know how impossible it was to kill him."

"B-but Lord First did kill him!" He laughed again.

"Are you also the one to believe that? Madara, the greatest master of Sharingan and even Mangekyo Sharingan losing to some wood style user? Don't make me laugh. I was strong enough to make it seem like I died but I just disappeared for several years."

"Then you are the one behind Kyuubi attack... they blamed the Uchihas from it! It's your fault!"

"Did I kill your clan?"

"I'm sure you are a partner of my sister!"

"Why would I be someone's partner? It's true I summoned Kyuubi in the Leaf out of revenge but I have never met your sister. I just know she killed our descendants, our blood and the fear of our clan and joined some stupid terrorists. By the way, your favorite Orochimaru was among them too."

"How do you know all that?"

"I just told you, I'm Madara Uchiha, I know everything about you. I even know how humiliated you feel after knowing some brat blessed by Kyuubi's chakra surpassed you."

"I can't even know that for sure, we still didn't fight."

"But you know very well you are weak. You couldn't even break my genjutsu. Admit it. You came here looking for power and I'm here to offer it to you. That stupid Orochimaru doesn't even know how sharingan works and you think he'd help you kill your sister? The user of Mangekyo Sharingan?"

He knows even this... I should be careful. But he makes sense, which power would Orochimaru give me when he was so easily defeated by my sister? He just wants my sharingan and takes advantage of me being still a kid. This Madara looks more skilled and trustworthy... At least he's an Uchiha like me and doesn't seem like he is with my sister...

"You are just rethinking which side should you join, right? Mine, Orochimaru's or the Leaf's. I can tell you the future of each of these paths. If you join me, your Sharingan will gain such an incredible power you've never dreamed about. Of course, I'll teach you all Katon techniques and more. I even know some Kinjutsu of the Uchiha clan, if you join Orochimaru, you'll become his pet, he'll give you a lot of drugs which will make you gain a lot of power in a short time but your Sharingan will stay unimproved and then Orochimaru would take your body if you didn't outsmart him. Pretty big risk and I don't even talk about the drugs which can have dangerous side effects. And the Leaf. The mild village everyone knows for it's peace. You'll have your friends here but you'd just see how Naruto is quickly improving and you don't imrove at all because Kakashi can't learn you anything more as fake Uchiha. This way you could never defeat her."

"I get you want to get me on your side. What do you want? Orochimaru wants my body and I'm sure you also don't do this for free."

"You are smart, I have to admit. Or I want is your loyalty. That means once you join me, you have to forget about the Leaf and cut all of your bonds. That's not all. After I make you strong, you'll do what I ask you to do. And if you try to betray me, you'll be killed."

"To be honest, I didn't expect anything different."

"So Sasaka, are you prepared to betray the Leaf? Are you ready to kill Naruto if I ask you to do?" Naruto? He can ask me even this... Itami... Naruto... Itami... Naruto... I saw two images. Itami killing our parents and Naruto laughing at my weakness and dating Hinata and Sakura at once leaving me alone... I looked at Madara again.

"I am ready! I don't want to do anything with this stupid village anymore!" He smirked.

"Very well. Pack your things. This is the last day at the village." I nodded and went back.

Author's note: I hope you like the change. I don't want to involve Orochimaru much in this story and I didn't forget about Tsunade. Sasaka won't meet Itami so soon but Tsunade will become the Fifth Hokage. I'll just shorten it in Naruto's point of view and head straight to the Time Skip.

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