Chapter 15: Sharingan vs. Byakugan

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We have learnt that the villages that remain are only Hidden Leaf, Hidden Sound and Hidden Sand. The rest is dead.

"Hello, *cough* everyone. I am Hayate *cough* and will be your referee *cough* for the following matches. This digital board will show you *cough* who's your opponent. Is everything clear? To explain it all, this is just elimination match because of the circumstances during the second exam. There's still a lot of you and we need just the best so *cough* we are doing it this way."

Is he sick or something? Anyways the first match was between me and Hinata. She looked scared.

"Don't worry, Hinata, I'm sure you can beat her ass!" I frowned at him.

"Oi, I am your teammate!"

"Yeah, but you deserve to lose!" That jerk. Me and Hinata stayed down and other's moved to the next floor.

"P-please be gentle with me, Sasaka-chan." Is she serious?

"Look, I take this exam pretty seriously so I won't hold back. Why do you even want to become chunin?"

"I don't want to be invisible anymore... I want my family and HIM to notice me." She whispered I barely heard her.

"So that's your goal. But if you want that, you have to give it your all. It doesn't matter if you win or lose, you just have to give it your all." She was shocked of my words. I just said it so we can fight fair and square.

"Did you say what you wanted so we can *cough* start already?" We nodded. She made a weird stance. I guess that's her clan training. While Naruto cheered on Hinata, Sakura cheered on me.

"You may begin now!" She made hand seals.

"Byakugan!" Interesting.


"The battle between two noble clans of Hidden Leaf. This really is an interesting battle." Said Kakashi.

"I think they should fight in Finals. Battle like this deserves audition!" Said some weird guy in green clothes. Kakashi shook his head.

"Knowing Hinata's anxiety, it wouldn't be good for her. Even this battle will be hard for her because everyone's eyes on her." Said some lady.

I waited till Hinata made first move. She ran towards me. I prepared my kunai. Also, it's not like I didn't prepare at all. In case I would be matched with that Neji, I read something about Byakugan and located library. She can see my chakra points and can block my chakra. If she'd hit be heart where chakra is formed, I could even die. Dangerous thing this Byakugan but knowing Hinata's weakness...

When she was too close, I jumped to the other side. I smirked. When she looked up, she saw Naruto cheering on her and lost concentration.

"Katon: Goukakyuu no jutsu!"

"Gentle fist!" I threw smoke bombs at her. It's useless I know. I just wanted her to loosen up because she depends too much on her Byakugan. She didn't notice I made Kage bunshin which I copied from Naruto to make her confused. Shadow clone has the same chakra as me. It's perfect to make her confused. She hit the clone and was shocked. Now it's my chance! I threw paper bombs tied to kunais at her. It was too late for her to notice it. She was hit by my attack.

"Don't give up, Hinata!" She still stood up. Tss.

"I can't give up because... he's watching me." Gosh.

"Katon: Housenka no jutsu!" She ran towards the fire. Is she crazy? But I was too distracted and she got close. Then hit my chakra point in my arm. I quickly got away. At least it was just one chakra point.

"Way to go, Hinata!" I want to kill him so much.

"Don't give up, Sasaka!" At least Sakura's on my side.

"Oi, Naruto, you should cheer on Sasaka!"

"I don't wanna!"

"What did you say you idiot?!" She hit him for me.

Okay, it's time for my secret weapon Kakashi sensei taught me.

Since he also owns Sharingan, he taught me how to use genjutsu at my opponent. When Hinata spotted my sharingan, she fell for it. I made for her the worst genjutsu possible.



"I wanted to tell you something-ttebayo!"

"W-what is it?"

"Hinata, I... really hate you-ttebayo." She was too shocked and hurt it paralyzed her. I'm sorry, Hinata, but I won't lose here.

Now Hinata was still locked in my genjutsu, she was knocked out.

"Uhmm, it looks like she's unable of fighting. The winner is Uchiha Sasaka!"


"Noo-ttebayo!" Kakashi smiled. I owe him for this. Then I went up but my shoulder started hurt again. I used sharingan for a long time. Kakashi touched my shoulder.

"Sasaka, you were great. Now you are going with me."

"But I want to see Naruto lose."

"This is more important. I know about the seal. We have to stop the possession." So he knows. I followed him. Even though Hinata lost, Naruto went to help her. When she woke up, she looked at him with fear.

"Hinata, you are alright! You were amazing! Sasaka just used some cheap trick, right? It just means you were a strong opponent for her-ttebayo." She blushed.

"So I'm going to show the next match. Now it's between... Shikamaru and Tenten."


Author's note: This time I played with the matching so it's not the same like in the anime. I hope you liked it.

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