Chapter 11: First exam

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Sasaka's POV

That exam was pretty easy, I already knew all of this from Itami, but I was still unsure about some questions and used my sharingan. As expected, this exam was just about cheating. I thought so from the start when I saw how stupid everyone here is. But just the smarter ones will cheat without noticing. And then I saw Naruto...

That idiot didn't even write his name. He was just looking at the paper. And I just remembered that we can't pass if one member of our team fails. This is a nightmare. My whole future depends on Naruto. If I won't become chunin, it's pointless to match with Itami.

Naruto's POV

Oh crap, Sasaka will kill me! First question... okay next... next... NEXT... NEXT!!! It's hopeless. I don't know a thing. Suddenly Hinata approached me.

"I-if you want... you can look at my paper." She whispered.

"But Hinata, I don't want you to have any problems because of me."

"I-I don't mind, really."

Sasaka saw us and nodded. I guess she wants me to cheat.

Okay, I made my mind and looked at Hinata's paper, but then I heard coughing. It was the instructor... I looked away. This could get Hinata into a trouble and I'm hopeless anyway so it doesn't matter if I fail... but... Sasaka and Sakura wouldn't pass. Gosh, I hate this part of the teamwork.

"So, the bonus task is that you still have a chance to act like chicken and try the exam another year... or you'll submit the test knowing if you fail, you'll stay genin forever. The choice is yours." Said the instructor. I saw few guys leaving, but all their team had to leave.

I slammed the desk. Everyone's eyes were on me.


The instructor looked at me. The ones who wanted to leave stayed after my speech. And then the instructor smiled.

"Congratulations, bastards, you passed. This was the final task. Will you cowardly leave and drag your friends into it or will you take a risk for your comrades." YESSS!!! I DID THE RIGHT CHOICE!! I saw relieved Sasaka and shocked Sakura.

"Is this guy for real? I almost lifted up my hand to help Naruto..." She muttered. So she cares in the end.

"And I'm glad I stopped you from doing so." Muttered Sasaka. So it was her work. She'd let me fail for her sake, huh. She couldn't know we'll pass this way in the end. I like Sakura more and more now.

Sasaka's POV

I don't know how, but that idiot passed in the end. Still I don't understand what was this exam for when in the end we just had to stay in this class. I guess he wanted to make us question our abilities and then make us give up. So dirty, but that's how it goes in real life.

And even idiots could pass this exam if they owned a strong will like Naruto. That's his only trait I admire. He's so confident saying something so impossible. So confident in his dream. Even I have a goal, but I'm not sure I can achieve it one day. Itami is so far away from me... but I have to catch up with her. And let her feel the same pain I did at that moment.

You'll suffer more than I did, I'll make sure of it you fake bitch.

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