Chapter 8: A smile

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Naruto’s POV

I did as Kakashi-sensei said and didn’t eat in the morning. I’m so hungry-ttebayo! But I’ll do anything to become Hokage! When I arrived, everyone was already there besides Kakashi-sensei.

"Where were you, Naruto!" yelled Sakura-chan.

"Let it be, Sakura. Naruto is here earlier than the main one."

"Thank you, Sasaka, but I’m not sure if it were a compliment…"

"Why are you still acting like the leader, Sasaka?! We should be equal."

"I’m sorry, but would you be better? It is important to have a commander during missions."

"But Kakashi-sensei…" said Sakura.

"Kakashi-sensei is just a teacher. I’m sure Naruto wouldn’t listen to him."

"So he would listen to you, right?!" I don’t like this. We should be friends.

"Hey Sakura-chan! I don’t think it’s a bad idea! Sasaka is experienced, she’d be a great leader."

"I can’t believe you are on her side, Naruto. I thought you love me!"

"That has nothing to do with this-ttebayo!" I noticed that Sasaka smirked. But she should be more friendly or our teamwork won’t work.

"Yo! I’m sorry I’m late. I was helping an old woman…"

"Lies!" me and Sakura-chan yelled.

"Right, so are you prepared? I hope you didn’t eat."

"I skipped even the dinner because of my diet!" muttered Sakura-chan. Her belly groaned.

"I see you are prepared, let’s go test your powers. Remember that you’ll go back to the academy if you fail." We nodded. Now I hope Sasaka will have a plan! We went to the training grounds.

"So… do you see the bells? If you take it from me, you’ll win…" All right! This will be easy! I’ll just kick his ass and take the bells! I threw a kunai at him. I didn’t even notice others hid. Kakashi-sensei caught the kunai.

"I didn’t even say start and where are your comrades? You are too hasty, Naruto!" I frowned at him.

"Kage bunshin no jutsu!"

"Jonin level jutsu?! Where did you learn it!" I can’t tell him!

"I see, you are the boy who stole the scroll. Iruka told me about it."

"But I returned it!" I kicked him, but it was a clone.

"You are not the only expert on clones. But it’s true that the number of your clones is higher than jonins. You have a special chakra, Naruto." He knows about Kyuubi, now he’ll act like others.

"I’m sure you can become a Hokage with a hard work." He smiled! And he believes in me? I smiled too.

"You are distracted!" Yay, he found me! I didn’t even notice he got rid of all clones.

Sasaka’s POV

Naruto was distracting him. When Kakashi-sensei wasn’t paying attention, I threw three shurikens at him.

"I knew you were there, Sasaka." He caught them. Tss. Now I have to hide elsewhere. I found Sakura. She was hiding behind a bush.

"Sakura, we should cooperate. He’s stronger than he seemed to be."

"Why should I cooperate with you? I thought you wanted to do it all alone."

"Yeah, at first, but now I know I have no chance against him. And Naruto’s giving us a chance. We should take advantage of it."

"I guess you are right. I don’t want to go back to the academy and I want to be better than Ino." We high-fived.

"Do you have a plan?"

"Yeah, one. You’ll change into me and then I’ll surprise him from behind. Can you do it?"

"Of course. I’m the best in our class in Henge no jutsu." I smirked. She did as I said. Kakashi-sensei noticed her and took Naruto with him.

"So you are here too, Sasaka. I thought you wanted Naruto to do all the work." Sakura wanted to kick him, but he grabbed her leg. Well, he was distracted so I got behind him. Then I ran towards him and put my kunai to his neck.

"You got me, Sasaka." I wanted to grab his bells, but he threw Naruto on the ground and caught my wrist. Dammit!

"That was a good teamwork… so I guess you passed!" Huh?

"W-wait, we didn’t take the bells."

"No, but that was a good plan. Naruto distracted me, so you two could think of a plan and take the bells. Sakura changed into you. I knew it from the beginning, but wanted to know what’s on your mind, so I let it be. And then you wanted to attack me from behind. I’m sure you’ll defeat an enemy with this strategy who’s not a jonin level of course. And Sasaka, I thought you’ll let others be. But I know you wanted to save them." That wasn’t my intention though.

"I guess it wasn’t your intention, but deep in your heart you wanted to save them. And that’s the most important. Who leaves the mission is a scum, but who leaves his friends is worse than a scum. That’s what my friend taught me. Be grateful for your friends, Naruto, Sakura, Sasaka. You are genins from now on and tomorrow you’ll get your first mission. Now I have to do something very important, but you can practice your teamwork. See ya!" He vanished! But he left there a lunch for us, so we took it.

"Hahah, is it true, Sasaka? You wanted to save me-ttebayo?"

"Tss, no! I wanted to get the bells!"

"You don’t have to admit it…" He laughed. That little brat!

"Naruto’s right, Sasaka. That plan was great. I’m sure you’d be a great leader." I didn’t expect this from Sakura. And I… smiled after a long time…

"Huh? Sasaka! You are smiling!"

"What? No!"

"You don’t have to hide it, smile suits you," said Sakura. I smiled again.

"That’s it!'

"W-well, that’s enough. See you tomorrow," I said and left. It was so embarrassing! Naruto wanted to invite Sakura on a date, but she rejected him. That loser.


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