Chapter 14: Nightmare

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I woke up in a dark room. Orochimaru was there too, but h-how?

"I see you are up. Let's make you stronger, Sasaka!" His tongue stuck out and he wanted to inject me. I was scared and was sweating.

"Yes, let's rip my sister apart!" My mouth talked on its own. W-what is it? Genjutsu? And then they laughed. Myself and him. But it wasn't me. I wouldn't go so low to avenge my clan! I screamed and woke up with tears in my eyes. In front of me stood Kakashi sensei.

"I see you are awake."

"W-where am I?" I asked.

"In the hospital."

"B-but the chunin exams! Three days are left!" He closed his book.

"You should be lucky you are still alive, your team too. Sakura was on the verge of death. You wouldn't make it even if we didn't save you. By the way, you all should be grateful to Anko. If she didn't notice Orochimaru's presence, your journey would end right there."

"So we lost..." I clenched my fist.

"As I'm telling you, we had to postpone the chunin exams because of Orochimaru's presence. He actually comfronted Anko and said he'll destroy the village very soon but we have to continue the chunin exams. The second exam is over. Your team fortunately passed. Everyone who stayed alive during the two days passed. Orochimaru and the newbie Gaara-kun killed half of the participants. We had to end it before everyone would die. But when the participants will be cured, we'll continue the exam." I felt so relieved.

"So... how are those two doing?"

"You have your preferences, right? Naruto is all right, he's just exhausted from using too much chakra. Reckless as always and Sakura... the medical ninjas are doing what they can. Anko knows most of Orochimaru's poisons and is also immune to them. She'll help to find the antidote. I'm sure she'll be all right in no time... Now, Sasaka, tell me what happened with Orochimaru." Just hearing his name made my shoulder hurt.

"He changed into a big snake... after he heard my name, he changed to his human form. He tried to manipulate me to come with him that he'll give me power but I rejected him. Sakura kept interrupting him and he lost his nerves and poisoned her. Naruto tried to protect me, I couldn't do anything as I was completely paralyzed. But he did something weird to Naruto. He said he blocked his delon chakra. I don't even know what that means. Naruto felt unconscious immediately. I tried to fight him to take care of those two but he strangled me." I rather won't tell him about the mark. I want to compete the rest of the exam.

"I see..." He pet my head.

"Sorry, Sasaka, you had it hard. Maybe I shouldn't sign you yet..."

"No, I was definitely ready-!" My shoulder hurt again.

"Right, right, I'm going to go. Naruto here will keep you company." I thought I was alone in the room but then I heard him snore. I hope the third exam will start as soon as possible.

Kakashi's POV

"Did she tell you about Orochimaru?" asked Anko.

"Yes, he attacked them and blocked Naruto's chakra. Plus poisoned Sakura."

"Weird, he'd do something to those two who's not interested in at all but wouldn't do anything to her? I should talk to her!" I grabbed her shoulder.

"I know she didn't tell me about it. She kept touching her shoulder the whole time. It's obvious he bit her there."

"Then we should expell her from the chunin exams! She can't fight with that mark!"

"That's exactly why she didn't tell me. We should let her fight to the end."

"Kakashi! Do you even know the mark can steal your soul?! It can kill her! I'm surprised she lasted that long!"

"I'll seal it so it won't happen."

"You think some stupid seal will stop it?"

"No but it can slow the possession."

"Fine, it's your student. Do what you want."

"That's exactly what I wanted to hear."

Sasaka's POV

"Sasaka, are you awake-ttebayo?"

"I see you are fine already."

"Where's that ugly guy?! And why are we in the hospital?!"

"The chunin exam was interrupted. The postpone it to the time when the rest of participants are all right."

"I see... I wanted to kick his ass so badly."

"Are you a psychopath?! We have no chance against him!"

"Since when were you such a scaredy cat, Sasaka? He hurt Sakura-chan, I can't let it be." I smirked.

"Maybe you should already choose, Sakura or Hinata, who is it?"

"What are you talking about?"

"It looks like you appeared in a love triangle, idiot. Your mind's going for Sakura but your heart's going for Hinata because deep down you know Sakura will never love you. So stupid."

"How can you know that? And what do you even know about it?"

"Definitely more than you. Unlike you I had parents who loved each other so I know how love looks like."

"But now you don't have them."

"You don't have to remind me."

"So, when you are so smart, who do I love?"

"None of them. You have a crush on Sakura but that will fade away in time. You'll get tired of rejection. And Hinata... you have the need to protect her because she's your friend. You may misunderstand it with love because you are so close but when you grow up you'll know it's not that feeling."

"Such a crap. I'll love Sakura-chan unconditionally!" I laughed. Such an idiot.

"Look, love must be mutual so your love for her is pretty pointless."

"What did you say?!"

"Just what you heard, dobe!" He got up off his bed and came to me.

"I'll show you! In several years, not only I'll become Hokage but I will get Sakura-chan's love!" I wanted to laugh again. Both of these things are unreachable. Monster of the village can't become Hokage and one-sided love will always be one-sided. But I'll let him live with this naivity.

Few weeks later we should go back to the tower in the Forest of Death.

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