Chapter 28: TS True colors

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After a while some ANBU members started gathering.

"Same unknown faces." I said while looking at their masks.

"Where's your leader?"

"We are enough for you! And we'll avenge our comrade!" I smirked.

"Sharingan!" I put them into strong genjutsu. Not as strong as Itami's but they still fell unconscious. I read through their biggest fears and nightmare and put them into that situation. Such cowards. Most of them fear the death and that's what they'll get now! I sliced their throats with my katana. Their blood spread quickly.

"Karin, any strong members in your chakra sensor?" She sweat.

"There's one really dark chakra coming with two strong shinobis." I smirked. finally someone solid. I waited for them with my katana still in their throats. But they were really quick. And then I spotted. The blonde hair I haven't seen in such a long time. That Madara, he did it on purpose.

When he came, he trembled.

"Naruto, get a hold of yourself!" So I was right.

"Ko... you can't understand."

"Huh?" That one with purple hair looked at me. I can't see their faces but it's easy to recognize them with such bright hair.
And of course...

"Kakashi, you are the leader, right?" He put off his mask.

"What made you visit us, Sasaka?"

"It's just a mission. Believe me, I wouldn't do this on my own. I came here to negotiate."

"Sasaka, don't you see how Naruto is in despair right now? Do you know what he went through to find you?" I looked at him. He stopped trembling.

"And? Why should I care? He's nothing to me now." Naruto fell down on his knees. He's still weak after all.

"That's enough, I'll take her down! She's the shame of our village and should be killed!" Said purple guy but Naruto stopped him.

"Don't interfere. That's not your business."

"Huh? That is, she just killed our members and isn't ashamed to show that to us!" I came closer to Naruto. Suigetsu and Karin followed me but I stopped them.

"Naruto, I don't love you. The only feeling I have in my heart is still a hatred towards my sister but you can never understand because you were always alone. My revenge is the most important thing to me and if it includes killing you, I'll gladly do it." He grabbed my arm in anger.

"You've got even worse after all those years! What has he done to you?! You were so different. You smiled, you cared. And you are definitely not right about me not understanding you. Being ditched by your village makes you lose yourself but you helped me to find myself again and that's what I'll do to. I won't stop until old Sasaka returns!" I laughed.

"Oh dear, that's impossible. She's dead. But I can do you a favor to get rid of your pain and that's to kill you now!"

"Hyoton!" That jerk. He froze my body. I couldn't moved but I used Sharingan.

"Be careful you two, don't look into her eyes!" Said Kakashi. He thought he's protected with that stolen Sharingan but I caught him.

"B-but how, I have Sharingan."

"But I have someone who taught me all the kinjutsu around Sharingan. I could even kill you right now but as I said, my mission is to negotiate with you. Stop killing criminals who are not on your land. You are taking our work. Now, go away and I'll let those two alive." He closed his eyes.

"I can't believe you fell so down. I'm disappointed."

"Your father was too when he killed himself." He was shocked I knew that. It's Madara who told me everything about Kakashi and olders in the village.

"So it's really true based on your reaction." I stopped the genjutsu. No time has passed. I was still frozen. Let's just see if it works now.

"I know you use Katon but my Hyoton is stronger than this!"

"Yoton!" I spitted lava from my mouth. It made his ice melt.

"Sasaka, you didn't have this from your parents. Are you stealing Kekkei genkai now?!"

"If it makes me stronger then yeah. You boy, that Hyoton looks strong, maybe I'll steal it too." He frowned at me. Naruto punched the ground.

"I heard enough. As an ANBU member I will no longer overlook your crimes." Finally. He used Shadow clones. So original.

"Fuuton: Rasengan!" What's this technique? It looks dangerous.

"Chidori!" We ran towards each other. Our techniques collided and made one big explosion. But his technique was stronger. It made me fly away but Suigetsu caught me.

"Gotcha!" I frowned.

"Don't touch me!" I stood up.

"My will to get you back is clearly stronger than your hatred. Stop this nonsense, Sasaka. We were a team. Sakura's stopped smiling like she used to after you left the village and Hinata wants to help me to get you back."

"I already said I don't care. Maybe you managed to convince Gaara but your words won't work on me and do you know why? My life wasn't tragic from the beginning. I knew true happiness before she took it all. I can't be happy until I know that the scum who ruined my life is still alive."

"I met Itami, she's looking for you too and seemed really worried when we told her you left the village. I don't believe she did it on purpose. There has to be something behind it because she clearly cares-ttebayo."

"Lies, she even told me she played a nice sister just to make me even more hurt. She cares only about herself."

"Sasaka-." Madara appeared again.

"Come on, what's taking you so long?" He looked at Kakashi and others.

"T-that cloak... Sasaka, you work for Akatsuki?" W-what? I trembled.

"Damn you, Kakashi, you and your informations."

"How could I not know when Itami wears the same s**t!" He tried to attack him but Kakashi just went through. I fell down on my knees... so the cloak I wear is the same like Itami's? No, I don't have the blood clouds on it but... he lied to me. He promised to make me strong to get Itami while they are working together. I had a headache. Lies! Lies! Everyone's just lying to me!"

"Look what you made, Kakashi. I rather take her back."

"Wait-." He already teleported us. I had heavy breathing.

"Don't you feel well, Sasaka?" I frowned at him.

"How could you lie to me?! All this time you are working with Itami and you don't mind telling me?!"

"Calm down, I wanted to tell you when you are prepared."

"You say I'm still not strong enough?"

"Of course you are but so is Itami. This was it'd end up in a draw... wait, I think you are actually ready."

"What made you change your mind?"

"I forgot about the implantation in your body. But I still need her for catching Bijuus so it'll have to wait."

"I hope you don't plan another betrayal."

"Not at all, don't worry. But Itami is very successful in her missions and I need all the members for the sealing or it would take way too long. Just now Deidara with Sasori went to surprise your old friend Kazekage Gaara." The guy with weird Chakra Naruto defeated.

"But I could use your strength against Naruto. You know he's jinchuuriky too, we'll have to get him."

"I already said I don't care. I know very well you'll go after Naruto too."

"Fine, it's clear then." I can't trust him after this. What does he even need the bijuus for? I know they have a large amount of chakra but... it looks like he wants to take over the whole world which I don't like at all. I guess after I'll kill Itami I'll try to kill him. I spent more time with him than others so I know more about his abilities. But it'll have to wait.

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