Chapter 9: First mission

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Naruto’s POV

Today I finally became genin and even Sasaka cooperated with us. Well, mainly with Sakura-chan because I was just a bait. After we ate the launch, I tried to ask Sakura-chan out, but she rejected me as always. I wonder what types of boys does she like, but she got along with Sasaka really quickly which surprised me, so if Sasaka were a boy, she’d definitely fall for him. I’ll never have a chance because she rejects me every time. I don’t know why she dislikes me so much-ttebayo. When I got home, I ate my favorite instant ramen. The only thing that makes me happy. But then someone knocked on the door.

"Come in!" I yelled. Suddenly in my kitchen appeared Iruka-sensei.

"Naruto, I see you still have your headband, did you become genin?"

"Of course! Kakashi-sensei was really shocked of my powers-ttebayo!"

"Is that so? Well, I’m proud of you, Naruto." He sat next to me.

"Naruto, I noticed that you are more sad now. I-is it because of Kyuubi?" He understands my feelings very well.

"I don’t care about that thing in me! But those eyes… Why are people looking at me like at some sort of disease?"

"They are just scared, Naruto. Kyuubi almost destroyed our village and killed many people long time ago…"

"I know, but I’m not Kyuubi! I’m Uzumaki Naruto!"

"But not for everyone. Many people see you as a monster who killed their loved ones…"

"E-even you?" I had to ask.

"Well, yes in the beginning, but when I got to know you better, you became my favorite student. Of course you are troublemaker, but that makes you different from others and you kind of remind me of myself. I used to be a prankster too, hahah."

"Really, really?!"

"Of course, when my parents died, I wanted to get everyone’s attention because I didn’t want to be alone. Do you have it the same way, Naruto?"

"Yes, but people hate me more for it."

"Don’t care about them. You are Uzumaki Naruto. Just be yourself and you’ll find true friends."

"Thank you, Iruka-sensei, I wanted to hear that!"

"You are eating instant ramen? You know it’s not healthy."

"But it’s my favorite food!"

"All right, what if I invited you to Ichiraku Ramen?"

"You would do that?!"

"Of course, I just got my salary. Let’s go then!" I don’t know what’s this feeling. But I think you feel like that when you have a father…

Sakura’s POV

I admit that I didn’t like Sasaka at first, but she’s not that bad actually. I’m just a little jealous of her. She’s smarter, stronger and even prettier than me. Why Naruto fell in love with me and not with her? I guess I’ll never understand boys. When I was going back, I met Ino.

"Hi Ino!" I yelled at her.

"Oh, hi Sakura. I see you still have a headband. You should take it off when you are going back to academy."

"Actually, I’m a genin, Ino. Me, Sasaka and Naruto are quite a good team."

"Really? Well, not as good as ours!"

"Do you think so?!" We argued again as always. I miss the days when we liked each other. I don’t even know, what happened. She’s the one who saved me from those bullies, but then she left me too when she learned Naruto’s in love with me. Her parents told her to stay away from him, so that’s why we are not so close anymore. Well, I also hate Naruto for this reason. It’s not his fault, but I can’t help it. After our little argument, we laughed together.

"Do your best, Sakura. I want to have a strong rival."

"You want me to be your rival?"

"Who else, Big Forehead?"

"All right, Ino Pig!" I know the nicknames are stupid, but I like them.

... Today we had a first mission and it was catching a cat. If it wasn’t for Naruto, we would catch it immediately. But he was slowing us down as always. I’m surprised Kakashi-sensei has so much patience with him.

When we returned the cat, we got a small reward from that lady. It wasn't even money, but some sweets. We aren’t kids anymore! But Naruto was happy about it. He’s so childish. And if I should talk about Sasaka, she wasn’t talking to us all day. I don’t know what happened to her, but she could say something. Now it's all up to me, shannaro…

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