Chapter 18: Demon fox vs. The curse of Hyuuga

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"Hyuuga Neji and Uzumaki Naruto, it's your turn. Others can leave for now." I looked for Hinata. I was happy when I saw her in the tribune.

"So, you are Hinata-sama's friend."

"And what?"

"Befriending such a scum just means you are scum too."

"Say that again!"

"Uzumaki Naruto, the demon fox who attack the village 13 years ago. Villagers hated him and despised him. You barely managed to become genin and get so far thanks to your teammate. You are definitely a scum." Blood was boiling in me.

"Hinata told me what happened between you two, but that's not a reason to be so arrogant. Because of you Hinata feels guilty and anxious because you are such a scum to her. Your dad died and now you are hating the other half of your clan because of that? My parents fucking died when I was born so I don't take it."

"They sacrificed him! I can't believe Hinata-sama told you such a clan secret. That just makes another prove of her being a scum and traitor. Hyuuga clan doesn't need such a weakling!" He ran towards me. He's worse than I thought. I just Shadow clone jutsu which distracted him. Once he gets close to me, it's over. What can I do? Maybe if I... I used Henge no jutsu and changed into Hinata.

"Henge no jutsu? Why should it work on me?"

"It's all your fault! Your father died because of you! You are the disgrace of Hyuuga clan, Neji-niisan!!" He touched his head.

"Even her voice... but she's not even strong to say something like this... but she can think it's my fault. I won't let such a scum to trick me!" When he was rethinking his past, I got behind him and caught his hands.

"What are you gonna do? It's not like you can do anything." Damn, he's right, I don't know any powerful technique. I just punched him into his stomach and he vomited. Then he freed himself.

"And that's all?" Damn it! He got too close.

"8 Triagrams: 64 Palms!" I appeared in a green circle. He started hitting my chakra points. I fell down and couldn't stand up."

"Oi, referee, I already won so end it."

"L-like I'm gonna let you..." He looked at me.

"You can't even use chakra, scum. Just give up." Give up? That's the only thing I can't do. I was so angry. Red chakra started flowing around me.

"What is this? He shouldn't be able to do anything..." Kyuubi's chakra gave me power. I was full of energy again and returned him all his hits.

"How can you be so fast?! Is that a demon fox?!"

"Don't ever insult Hinata like this again. If anyone's a scum in your clan then it's you. Your father died protecting Hinata and her family and you are doing complete opposite. Would your dad be proud? I don't think so."

"It's my fate to protect them. I wanted to fight against it."

"But that's not a reason to hurt Hinata! Look, I'll win for her and I won't let you hurt her anymore."

"I can't believe it, she has someone who cares so much about her? Even her father and sister betrayed her."

"And that's not a reason to be so harsh on her. Hinata suffered more than you but you were too blind to see it even with your eyes. To be honest, I pity you. You are just locked in your own cycle of hatred and never tried to be free."

"I can't be free until I die! My curse will follow me all my life!"

"Everyone can be free if they choose the right way. I also didn't take out my anger on the villagers who treated me like a trash because of my demon-ttebayo!" He was quiet afterwards. I hit him and he hit me for the last time. I was down and Neji stood on his legs. It looked like I lost but I made a hole in the ground and gave him the last unexpected hit. He spilled blood and was knocked down.

"Is this finally the end? It looks like a yes so Uzumaki Naruto is the winner." I had a big applause. I was so happy-ttebayo! If only Kakashi-sensei and Sasaka watched how I have grown up! I would show them!

"Hmm, because Uchiha Sasaka is still not here, the next battle will be between Kankurou and Aburame Shino."

"I pass." Said that ugly make-up guy.

"Huh? What did you say?"

"I give up so I lost. You can continue with next battle." That coward! Why did he even participate in chunin exams?

"O-okay, so the last match I have here should be between Temari and Nara Shikamaru."

"Referee, I also want-." When I got up and saw Shikamaru, I had to cheer him up.

"Shikamaru, beat that chick up, dattebayo!" I threw him down.

"That bastard."

"Oi, are you scared?" That girl already flew towards him.

"Yes, of my mum and of wasting my time with this stupid exam but... it looks like you want to fight. It's a drag but I can't embarrass my clan and lose to some chick."

"That's some confidence. We'll see how much of chance you have to beat me." She said and used futon. Shikamaru made a pretty awesome strategy which got her caught in his Kagemane no jutsu but it exhausted him and he gave up. Such a chance and he still lost to the Sand.

Old man Hokage was nervous because they had to postpone Sasaka's battle again and Kazekage was eager just like the audience but he wanted to see Sasaka fighting. The last Uchiha, others also came just for her. I still didn't find anything on her which would make her so awesome. She's arrogant, rude, mean, acts superior, shows off with those annoying eyes, makes fool of me and got Sakura-chan on her side. She also thinks she's stronger just because she's more talented but now I proved that even a non-talented guy can beat the genius. I want her to come. I want her to hear I beat the guy she feared. I want her to be jealous and finally aknowledge me. She'll take back everything she has told about me and will beg for mercy to be my friend again. I'll show her, hahah!

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