Chapter 7: Hassle

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Sasaka's POV

"So… tell me something about yourself."

"Hey, sensei, you should be first!" said that idiot.

"Hmm, well, my name is Hatake Kakashi… you don’t need to know what I like or dislike." Just his name?! Tss, I won’t tell him anything too.

"So, my name is Uzumaki Naruto! Remember it because I’ll become Hokage one day!" Hokage? He?

"I love ramen! And hate the minutes I have to wait before the ramen is boiled. And I love Sakura-chan!" I was shocked. Her? What does he see on her?! And why am I even frustrated?!

"That was… great, Sakura." She was disgusted. I guess because of Naruto.

"I am Haruno Sakura… I like cute and cold boys… I hate Naruto Uzumaki…" Wow. Naruto was sad about it.

"Uhh, Sasaka."

"My name is Uchiha Sasaka. I’m the last Uchiha. I don’t like many things, but I hate many things. My goal is to kill a certain person." I won’t tell them the name. They could try to stop me.

"You really hate your sister, don’t you?" Now I remember. He’s the ANBU who was talking to me that day. I frowned at him.

"That’s none of your business."

"Hai, hai. We’ll meet tomorrow at the training grounds. Skip the breakfast. It’s for your good." I wonder what it is about.

"No ramen in the morning?" He was sad again. Kakashi-sensei was already gone.

"All right, guys, we have to make it. But I do not intend to work with you. You'd just ruin everything. You should leave it to me. I'm the strongest here anyway," I said.

"What are you saying, Sasaka! It’s our exam! Not yours!"

"Exactly, Sakura-chan!" He’s on her side?! Well…

"Tss, do what you want. But don’t get in my way. I have to become a genin unlike you."

"Unlike us?! We studied academy just to become ninjas. Don’t be so selfish."


"If you studied the academy just to become ninjas, why is Naruto the worst in the class? And sorry, Sakura, you are just smart, but in a fight you’ll be pretty useless. I have the most experience here. And I’m Uchiha." I won’t tell them about my Sharingan yet. They’d just take advantage of it. Sakura was quiet. Naruto too. I guess they finally admitted I’m right.

"Maybe you have the most experience here and you are talented… but I was training everyday just for this moment. Don’t underestimate me-ttebayo." I smirked.

"You can prove it tomorrow." He swallowed. I knew it. He’s just bluffing. Then we split up. I think our relationship is even worse than before. Especially me and Naruto.

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