Chapter 29: TS Finding Gaara

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Naruto's POV

It's getting out of my hand. I... I had her right in front of me but I couldn't do anything. I couldn't even convince her! But what made me the most mad is to see her being so used. She was shocked knowing he's Akatsuki so he lied to her this whole time and just got advantage of her hatred. Damnit! We have to get rid of him. We have to kill him so she can come back. I don't care they are after me until I know she's alright.

Two days later we were informed about Gaara's abduction. Akatsuki again. I left my ANBU work as did Kakashi-sensei and with Sakura we prepared on our way. I'm so mad right now I could kill.

It took us two days until we got there. Apparently Shikamaru's "girlfriend" was in Konoha while that happened so we met her on our way and informed her about the situation. She was shocked but she already had a feeling something bad had happened.

Kankurou was poisoned and Gaara was defeated. I heard he saved the whole village while he sacrificed himself. Some villagers were even glad he was gone, such scums. But... in my village after I became jonin people also weren't glad. Some of them wish I'll just die in some mission since I can do S-rank now. In the past I would be furious but now my only concern belongs to Sasaka.

Fortunately Sakura is talented enough to save Kankurou. Not only she got rid of the poison but she also made antidote to it. I'm proud to have her in our team.

After that we settled on the way to save Gaara. Kakashi's dogs found their location and we found out one team's gonna help us.

One elder of the Sand Chiyo-baa joined us too because she feels responsible for one of the Akatsuki named Sasori who attacked the Kazekage.

We were almost there but suddenly one of the Akatsuki joined us.

"I won't let you continue in your way."

"Itami!" We meet again.

"Long time no see, Nine-tails jinchuuriky. Today I'm gonna catch you for sure." I frowned.

"Did you know your sister is being manipulated by one of the Akatsuki?!" Her eyes widened.

"What did you say?"

"So you don't know... one of you with orange mask that looks like a pumpkin. He uses teleportation. She closed her eyes and muttered something to herself.

"I see, thank you for the information."

"And what are you gonna do now? Will you help that pumpkin guy or will you save your sister to whom you ruined life?"

"That's my decision to make and I don't have to tell you anything more. Today I'm here just for you." She won't stop, huh.

"Rasen-!" Kakashi-sensei caught me.

"Don't be in hurry. Did you forget about her Mangekyo Sharingan?" How could I? I looked to the ground. I need to avoid those eyes. But suddenly the ground started moving and all I saw was Itami.

"But I didn't look into your eyes."

"Do you think it'd be so hard to defeat me if you just couldn't look into my eyes? I can out you into genjutsu in several ways, Naruto."

"Why are you even with Akatsuki?! They are using your sister!"

"You wouldn't understand so I won't bother telling you." I tried to free myself but I couldn't... and Kakashi-sensei taught me the stronger version.

"You are definitely stronger from the moment we met. But you still can't defeat me." Suddenly someone hit my neck. I woke up.

"Naruto, are you alright?" Sakura asked.

"Y-yeah, she caught me with her finger."

"Oh, time's running out." She said. What did she mean? While she was distracted, I attacked her with Fuuton Rasengan. I got her but... when I looked at the body, it wasn't her, just some guy. I made sure he's dead but it looks like he had been dead before this.

We continued in our way. She said time is running out, was she referring to Gaara? I hope he'll still be alive when we arrive.

In front of their hideout we finally met with the team. It was Team Asuma.

"Kakashi, did you also have problems on your way?"

"Yeah, Itami's jutsu stopped us."

"I see, we were attacked by her companion."

"Naruto, long time no see you. How's in ANBU?" asked Ino.

"It's going great but I have to get stronger."

"Stronger? You are already strong enough, all the girls have crush on you."

"You know this is not the reason why I want to be stronger."

"Right, right, Sasaka here, Sasaka there. I still don't like her, right, Choji and Shikamaru?"

"Well... she's our enemy now, we shouldn't feel any sympathy." I frowned.

"Shikamaru! She's still one of us!"

"We know she tried to kill you. Be realistic, Naruto. It won't take a long time for other villages to look for her."

"I-I heard she's in Akatsuki..." said Choji.

"You don't know anything! She's being used by those bastards!"

"It doesn't make any difference when she's willing to kill you. Can't you move on?" said Shikamaru.

"I can't give up on her. Not now that I know she's being manipulated." They rolled their eyes.

"Fine, guys, looks like we need to find the seals to get in."

"Why didn't we take Hinata or Neji?"

"They are on other mission. Shikamaru, where would you out the seals?"

"First of all, it's a trap, you know that. Second of all, it's at least 100 meters from this place because they need to distract us."

"I'll summon Pakkun, he'll find the rest with the scent of the first one." Team Asuma went to look for the seals and we stayed here.

When they found it, Ino let us know with her improved telepathy. Kakashi-sensei and Team Asuma took off the seals at the same time but then we lost contact with them. We suspect Shikamaru was right and they were trapped in some technique but now Gaara was more important. Sakura hit the boulder with all her might and shattered it into pieces. Her brutal strength is really impressive. Ko isn't afraid of anything but her. When we got inside, we found Gaara lying under two Akatsuki members. Bastards, they really sat on him!

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