Chapter 25: New "friends"

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Sasaka's POV

I followed Madara as I decided but when I came to the place we should meet at, he wasn't there. After few minutes he appeared out of nowhere. It has to be some kind of teleportation.

"So I see you have already made your mind. I have to tell you it's your best decision."

"Don't think I'll trust you from now on, I still have some doubts."

"That's expected. You wouldn't be right ninja if you weren't careful. Let's go now." I turned around and looked for the last time at the Hokage statues I could barely recognize from this location.

"Let's go." He nodded and teleported us to some dark hidden place I have never seen.

"This will be our training hideout."

"In which village are we?"

"No village, we are located near an uninhabited lot near the ocean northwest of Leaf. It's be too risky to train amon people. But that's not all." I looked at him.

"For training you'll need pals. You are not the only kid I stole from Orochimaru." What the hell?

"But you said I have to cut my bonds."

"With the Leaf yes. You promised you'll do anything I'll tell you so now you'll befriend them. I'm such a kind soul, right?" I frowned. I'm starting to doubt him more and more. In the end it was a bad decision.

"Houzuki Suigetsu, Uzumaki Karin, come meet your new friend." Uzumaki?

"Tss, this guy is kidding us. We just got rid of Orochimaru."

"Shut your mouth, fishy boy, he saved us from him so we should be grateful."

"I'm surprised you are saying this, Karin."

"Just shut the hell up!" She hit him. They are just like Naruto and Sakura and I just got rid of these two.

"Now brats, meet Uchiha Sasaka. She's my special student so treat her right. She'll help you two with training too."

"Are you kidding us? If it's just her name that makes her better-!"

"U-Uchiha Sasaka? The only Uchiha that stayed alive after the massacre? That's really her?"

"You are acting like she's your idol. She's just a brat like us."

"Stop comparing yourself to her, you don't even touch her ankles. I'm Houzuki Suigetsu, nice to meet you!" He shook my hand. I was surprised.

"Why are you a jerk just to me?!"

"Because you are so damn annoying. Sasaka, I don't think you remember but we met during Chunin exams! You saved me from Orochimaru's snake but he still managed to capture me."

"I see, you are welcome."

"Don't think you are special or something just because of your name. My name is also pretty famous and my clan was massacred too."

"Shut up, Karin, clan Uzumaki is not so famous." So Naruto's clan was also massacred.

"Do you know Uzumaki Naruto?"

"Who the hell is that?!"

"One genin from my village, the only Uzumaki there."

"Heh, well, you also aren't the last Uchiha." That b**ch.

"Ignore her, I hate her too." Really, why do I have to befriend these two idiots? And that girl is so annoying!

"Sasaka, maybe you are wandering why a superior like you have to be in team with these two scums but they are really useful. Suigetsu is a brother of one of the Seven Swordsman of the Mist, blades don't do a thing to him and he mastered suiton. He's great for infiltrations. Karin is a great sensible. She can detect chakra for miles away even your Sharingan can't see. You'll be fulfilling missions together. And Kakashi taight you for sure how teamwork is important."

"I thought you are gonna train me."

"I will but you will have to work for me. Living is not free, Sasaka. Now I'll let you here to get along and when I come back I expect you to be great friends." That jerk.

Naruto's POV

I did as Ero-sennin told me and looked for Kakashi-sensei.

"Oi, Kakashi-sensei! I have a new edition of Icha-Icha for you!"

"Where? Where?" Too easy.

"Ah, so what do you want?"

"Ero-sennin told me to find you that you will train me to become one of the ANBU." He wasn't so shocked about it.

"So he really told you about this... I can't imagine you ruthlessly killing people, Naruto but if that's your decision, there's nothing I can do."

"Thanks you understand-ttebayo. Ero-sennin told me I have to learn to protect myself and the village even under this conditions and he told me it'll help me to get closer to Sasaka."

"Sasaka again... Fine, Naruto, but I won't be nice. You still lack the basics and you aren't smart either. I'll make you read many books for training!"

"Oh no!  He takked just about training!"

"Learning is also a type of training. You can't become a strong ninja if you aren't smart enough. Look at Shikamaru. His ability is not very good for combat but he's so smart it doesn't make him disadvantage and you who learnt rasengan can be easily defeated by him because you lack knowledge." I have to do it. I have to for Sasaka's sake!

"Fine, give me some book."

"That's more like it! Let's go to the village's library. There'll be enough books!"


"You'll also have to learn about history. You should know the past of your bijuu."

"Ahh, like having him inside me isn't enough."

"Did you say something?"

"Not at all!" He smiled with his one eyes.

"Naruto!" Sakura calls.

"What is it?"

"Any news about Sasaka?"

"No... but don't worry. Now I'll train hard and bring her back!"

"Please, do it. She's my best friend! And Ino still doesn't talk to me but I don't blame you anymore. I know it's not your fault..."

"I'll do my best, I also want to get her back! Even if I had to break all her bones in her body, I'll drag her ass here!" She smiled.

"I knew I could count on you! Here!"

"What this?"

"Battle pills. You'll need a lot of them right now."

"Did you make them yourself?"

"Yes! Tsunade-sama gave me a receipt."

"From when do you talk with Tsunade-baachan?"

"Recently she became my mentor. If you go to bring Sasaka back, you'll need someone that can heal you. I know I wasn't very useful until now and I dragged you and Sasaka down. Now I'm gonna work hard too so you two can be proud of me and will need my help too because I'm also a member of Team 7." She acts so mature right now. The chunin exam changed us all but unfortunately... Sasaka the wrong way. Our ways are seperated for now but I'm sure our paths will meet again. I believe in the red string of fate.

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