Chapter 2: Uchiha clan downfall

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Sasaka's POV

"Huh, Sasaka, who taught you this?"

"My older sister Itami."

"Itami Uchiha, I see. She’s very talented." Again her!

"Naruto, now you!"

"Hahah, I’ll show you that I’m better than this mean girl and her sister-ttebayo!" I watched him. He tried to copy me and throw all the shurikens at once. Idiot. But he didn't hit the target once and nearly injured the teacher.

"Naruto!! What was that?! Stop showing off!!"

"I-I’m sorry, Iruka-sensei! It wasn’t intentional-ttebayo." He was sorry about it and he should.

"Did you see it? Mom always said that he’s dangerous and I should stay away from him. I guess she’s right. He doesn’t belong to this village. I can’t stand the fact that he’s my classmate," said Kiba. Wait… why is he dangerous? It’s not like my parents didn’t tell me anything.

"Naruto, where are you going?! The lesson didn’t end!"

"It’s all right, Iruka-sensei, he’s just slowing us down," said Shino I think. Hinata frowned at him. Hmm, does she care for Naruto? Then she should do something. This won’t solve anything. The lesson was over, but after Iruka-sensei's words, I had to stay there and train shurikens.

"This is not enough!" I tried to copy my sister's steps, but I never managed to hit all the targets.

"Damn it!" I was tired. I looked around. Suddenly I noticed that the idiot was sitting alone on a swing. And he's sad. I decided to go to him.

"Hi dobe, what are you still doing here? The lesson is over. You should go home."

"Y-you are one to talk! You are here too!"

"Yeah, because of training. Why didn’t you tell something to Kiba or Shino? Are you scared or what?"

"Hey, it’s pointless, all right?! They hate me and I don’t know the reason! They are afraid of me! Everyone in this village rejected me!" He was pretty upset. I was surprised.

"Well, I don’t care, so I didn’t reject you. I don’t care who you are. I don’t care about your past. I care only about my grades because I want to surpass my sister."

"R-really? You don’t hate me?"

"Should I have a reason? Yeah, you are annoying. But that’s not a reason to hate you. And I’m not afraid of you. You should be afraid of me." I smirked. He smiled.

"Thanks, this helped me a lot."

"That’s fine. You know, you are really useless, but you are funny. And you are better than most of our classmates. We can be friends if you want."

"F-friends?" Does he hear this for the first time. His eyes shined.

"Friends-ttebayo!" He shook my hand. I smirked. I don’t like people, but he is different. He’s trying to do his best, even though no one believes in him. No one likes him and they are afraid of him for some reason. That’s really admirable. Crap. I didn’t notice the time. It was late.

"I’m sorry, but I have to go."

"See ya tomorrow, Sasaka!"

"See ya, dobe!" He frowned. I rushed home. Dad will scold me for coming late. This is not good. But… when I came to our neighborhood… There was silence. It is usually busy and full of people even in the evening.

"Huh?" I saw blood.

"W-what happened?"

"Aunt! Uncle!" My dear acquaintances were lying motionless on the ground. They were always so nice to me... But that’s not all. There were a lot of Uchihas. They were all motionless. They all drowned in their own blood… No… This is a nightmare…

"Nooo!!!" I yelled. I was scared, but I had to make sure my parents are all right.

"Mom? Dad? I’m sorry I’m late I…" Silence. W-where are they? I walked closer to the living room… And there I saw them… They were lying motionless on the ground like others.

"Who did this?!" Suddenly I saw Itami.

"Itami! We have to help them! We have to take them to the hospital! We have to make it!"

"Stupid little sister, they are already dead."


"You heard right."

"And who did this?! Who?!" She threw a kunai at me.

"Oh, I missed."

"What’s the meaning of this, Itami?!" She smirked.

"It was me. I killed everyone here. And I should kill you too."

"W-what? I don’t believe you! You were always so kind!"

"Then I’ll show you!" Her eyes. I've never seen eyes like that. It’s not Sharingan. Huh? Where am I? Everything is black…

"Huh? Itami? What are you doing here?" She was quiet.

"Itami, talk to me!" But then I saw something horrible. She killed uncle and auntie. She killed everyone. And then… she killed our parents. Then I woke up. I was lying on the ground. I had saliva around my mouth. I had a seizure.

"Do you understand it now?" she asked.

"How could you… How could you kill our parents?! How could you kill them all?!" She smirked.

"That’s all right. You are an avenger, Sasaka. Hate me, despise me, be afraid of me and then… then come for me. When you're ready, fight me. Avenge our clan if you can do it!!" And then she left. But when she was leaving, she cried. She cried? Why?! She did this!! I was so angry and so sad!! I couldn’t stand these feelings! Suddenly I felt new energy. I looked in the mirror.

"S-sharingan?" Then I looked at my parents. I don’t want this thing… It killed my parents.

"Mom, dad, I swear I will avenge you! Even if it cost me my life!" 

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