Chapter 10: Beginning of chunin exams

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Sasaka's POV

After few boring missions later, Kakashi sensei gave us applications for the chunin exam. He told us we are experienced enough to take a part in it. It's finally my chance to fight stronger enemies and see the power of others' in my class.

I'm the most curious about Hinata and her Byakugan. I wonder if she's stronger than me, even though I doubt it with her low self-confidence. It's a waste of talent with this personality, but maybe she'll surprise me. She'll be definitely better than Sakura. That's enough. But the next day I learned Sakura doesn't want to participate.

"What are you saying, Sakura! We have to be three to participate!" I was angry.

"I know I'll be slowing you down like in the mission with Zabuza. I don't want to be a burden.."

"You'll be a burden if you reject the chunin exams. You'll destroy our chance to become chunins and yours too."

"M-mine?? But I'm not even strong.."

"I'm surprised I'm saying this, but you have a potential, Sakura. Although you are not strong in combat, your smartness can assure you victory."

"Sasaka!!" She hugged me. Too close.. Naruto was also happy. Uhh, why did I say it? Then she loses and will blame me..

Naruto's POV

Sasaka convinced Sakura-chan to participate in the chunin exams. I was so happy-ttebayo! It wouldn't be the same without her. Plus Sasaka really surprised me. I expected her to say "that's better for you" or "I can do it on my own anyway.." but no, she wasn't selfish. But maybe it's because we couldn't participate without Sakura-chan anyway... Well, that doesn't matter.

Kakashi sensei gave our signed applications to old man Third and now we are going to the first exam. And.. IT'S WRITTEN TEST, DAMN ITTT!!" I'm dead.. Sasaka will hate me if she doesn't now..

"Calm down, Naruto, you can do it!"

I talked to myself, but knew I'm just lying. Then Sasaka tapped my shoulder.

"Work hard, Naruto, this'll be the hardest exam for you."

"Just watch me!" I said.

"I'll never go back on my word, I'll become Hokage!" I said with confidence. Sasaka smirked. We went to meet other genins trying to become chunins. They were weird. Then I saw familiar faces.

"Hey Hinata!" She blushed. She was standing near Kiba and Shino.

"Sakura!" Ino grabbed Sakura-chan's neck.

"I see you are here too, Ino pig!"

"What did you say, Billboard forehead?!"

"Ugly witch!"

"Smelly hair!" They were yelling at each other.

Sasaka was looking at foreign ninjas. But she didn't look scared.

"What is that? They all have low chakra." But then appeared a guy I didn't feel any chakra from.

"It's nice to see you, newbies! My name is Lee! I'm one year older than you!" He looked stupid, but when a girl with two buns tried to punch him, he caught her wrist so quickly, even though he didn't see her. It surprised Sasaka.

"Stop with this, Lee. They are not worth talking to."

"Heh, I think it's the opposite, male Hinata," said Sasaka.

"What did you just-?! Don't put me in the same sentence as her!!" Hinata looked scared when I looked at her.

"What? You aren't close?"

"Not at all!" he said and left. Sasaka was confused. But then I felt a large chakra. Maybe larger than mine. The red-haired guy without eyebrows didn't talk. Neither his comrades.

"What's that?" Sasaka's eyes! She's using sharingan!

"What's wrong, Sasaka?" I asked.

"This guy... his chakra isn't normal.. It's really dark." Hmm.. Then some guy with scars came to us.

"All right, worthless ninjas! We'll see if you can become useful with following exam!" Tss, what does he think he is-ttebayo?! We followed him to an empty room. Then he gave us empty sheets.


I'm so sorry for keeping you wait so long. I just wanted to let you know I'm continuing this story with different ideas than with what I had back then. To make it more interesting. I hope you like the chapter!

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