Chapter 4: End of friendship

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Sasaka's POV

The next day I went to academy. I don't need a rest. I need to step up. But I was angry. Everyone was talking about yesterday.

"Did you hear it? The whole Uchiha clan was murdered. Only Sasaka survived." I bowed my head. I don’t need to hear this. I sat to my seat. But then came the yellow idiot.

"Hahah, I hope Iruka-sensei won’t notice this!" He was all dirty with paint. What on earth was he doing?

"Naruto, what did you do?!" yelled at him Sakura.

"Ahh, Sakura-chan! Nothing-ttebayo. I just decorated the statues of the Hokage." And she was angry.

"Are you kidding? Because of your stupid jokes, sensei is always angry with us!"

"But Sakura-chan-!"

"Shut up, Naruto. You don’t have any parents, so they can’t scold you. You are just selfish and think that you can do what you want. You are worthless." All right, this is enough.

"Hey Sakura, don’t talk like you know the feeling. The feeling of loneliness!" I clenched my fists. Naruto was sad, but looked at me.

"I get why you are angry, Sasaka. After all, you are lonely too. Don’t tell me you’ll act like him when you have no parents now!" I grabbed her wrist.

"Shut up!"

"T-that hurts… please stop." She was scared and I let her go.

"Sorry, I got carried away…" I sat back to my seat. I wanted to sit alone, but Naruto came to me.

"Uhmm, Sasaka, I heard about what happened. Old man told me. If you wanted to talk, I’m here for you. Because I know how you feel."

"No, you don’t."

"Huh? What are you saying? You know very well that I-!"

"Yeah, but you never had parents. I had bonds with them! You just can’t understand it…" I laid my head on the desk. He looked at me sadly.

"But I want to understand you…" He muttered.

Today was normal, but I couldn’t concentrate. I was still thinking about Itami and my dream. Nobody will erase that from my head anymore. Naruto was still making pranks on Iruka-sensei. I don’t understand him. How can he be happy? Classmates ignore him. He has no parents. No friends and still… he’s happy. I admire him for that. But I can’t be like him. I can’t be happy out of nowhere.

Later I saw that Hinata’s in trouble. That girl with dojutsu. I don’t care about her, but when I think about it, she’s the only normal girl here. Others are just stupid b*tches. Sorry, I had to say it.

Some boys were bullying Hinata. I didn’t care because it’s nothing unusual. But he did. Naruto stood up to them.

"Hey, what are you doing to her?! Stop it"

"Great, another monster."


"Are you blind?! Her eyes are ugly like monster’s. But when I think about it, you two belong together. Two monsters no one gives a damn about. Count Sasaka in too." Naruto grabbed his collar.

"Shut up! You don’t know us, so shut up!" He’s really angry. I’m used to this. Since my family is gone, everyone looks at me with disgust. I’m Uchiha after all. The clan who summoned Kyuubi and killed 4th Hokage and his wife. Why everyone believes this bullsh*t?

After school, I wanted to go alone, but Naruto stopped me.

"Hey Sasaka, wait!"

"What is it? I’m not in the mood." I frowned.

"Wait, I thought about Hinata being our friend. I think it’s just right." Hinata was hiding behind him.

"What are we? A kindergarten? Or dog shelter?"

"Why are you so mean? Hinata did nothing to you." I smirked.

"Heh, you are really naive. You can believe no one in this world. Because they will betray you in the end. But you will never understand this because you are living in your dream world."

"You didn’t have to say this. Hinata is our classmate and she’s really nice. We can trust her."

"You didn’t understand a word, Naruto. But that’s okay. I don’t plan to be your friend anymore. Just be with your Hinata like that brat said," I said and walked away. I don’t need any of them. My revenge is keeping me alive and I won’t die till I won’t kill my sister.


I'm so sorry I broke my promise. I was writing an exam from Math today, so I had to prepare for it. Hope you understand and like the chapter. 😊 As my apology and at the same time for Itachi's birthday, I share my latest drawing with you.

You can rate it or you can just tell me your thoughts in the comment section. And don't worry, I plan to draw my own design of Sasaka. I think next week, but I don't promise anything or I'd break it again.

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