Chapter 19: The awaited battle of the Uchiha

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Sasaka's POV

"I didn't expect it will take us so long. Let's go, Sasaka, I'll use Shunshin no jutsu." I smirked. Suddenly we appeared in the centre of the stadium. Everyone's eyes were on us.

"I'm sorry but can I ask if we made it?" Kakashi was nervous.

"Well, you are lucky Lord Kazekage is looking forward to this battle but it's very disrespectful to let him wait. Just start already."

"Sasaka! What took you so long?!" That yellow idiot yelled at me.

"I wasn't done with my training, that's all but Naruto, did you lose?"

"Nah, I knocked him out. It was a piece of cake."

"I see then I want to fight you too."

"Heh, I don't know, you are a girl and I don't want to hurt you." He can hit the nerves.

"But I guess it's okay, in the end you don't act like a girl at all unlike Sakura-chan and Hinata." I want to beat him to a pulp.

Shikamaru was also still among us.

"Let's go, Naruto. Gaara already went down." Said Shikamaru.

"Fine... Sasaka, good luck!" He smiled. I blushed a little.


"Did something happen between you two?" Asked Kakashi.

"Not at all. It's still the same."

"You sound disappointed. Well, I'm going to go so I also wish you good luck. I'm sure you noticed the weird chakra hiding inside Gaara so be careful about that. I also taught you chidori to defend yourself -."

"Just go already!"

"Hai, hai. I'm going." He said and vanished finally.

Ugh, they are so tiring. Gaara finally came but he looked more bloodthirsty than before. I still don't see Naruto up. He couldn't-.

"Everyone's ready? We can start now."

"Oi you, you didn't kill Naruto, did you?"

"I don't even know that name."

"Blond haired idiot with blues eyes and stupid face."

"Oh, that's the jerk who stopped me from killing that guy... I didn't kill him yet but I'll definitely do that later."


"Why do you care so much? What is he to you?"

"He? Just a stupid old friend, that's all."

"Friend... this word again. I hate it so much." Psycho. I stepped back.

He touched his head and screamed. It looks like he's in pain but his chakra was bigger and bigger.

"S-stop it, mom! I promise I'll kill her for you!!" His mom? I'm so confused.

From his right arm started growing a beast arm...

"W-what are you?"

"The same monster as your old friend and now your friend will see you die!"

"Tss!" I ran up the stadium. I made hand seals for Chidori. Someone like him can't defeat a simple technique. It has to be something stronger.

Naruto's POV

When I went up with Shikamaru, we just witnessed Gaara murdering two ninjas. In his sand in a matter of seconds. Our hearts pumped so fast. We were paralyzed as Gaara was coming closer. We are going to die! We are definitely gonna die! He said it himself when we visited Bushy Brows earlier!! But he just ignored us and went down. Our butts fell on the ground. We were so relieved.

"Damn, I just gave up on becoming Hokage."

"I gave up on my life... But now you take it back, right?"

"I don't usually go back on my words but this is different situation. Of course I'm gonna become Hokage! Who would protect the village from bastard like Gaara-ttebayo?!"

"Curent Hokage?"

"Meh, he's weak and old. But Kakashi-sensei would definitely beat his ass."

"If you say so. Asuma is not bad either."

"He's nothing against Kakashi-sensei."

"I'd like to see them fight to compare them but it's not gonna happen."

"Right, all Kakashi-sensei wants to do is reading that pervy book. He's as pervy as Ero-sennin."


"Legendary sannin who trained me for chunin exams. He's useless with girls, but he's really powerful."

"I see. You are lucky. It's just three of them and one left the village and the second is nowhere to be found. But I heard Jiraiya comes from time to time to report what happened on his journey to Hokage."

"He's not that cool." We went up and I finally saw Sasaka with Gaara. But he's acting weird and from his arm grew another arm. What is he doing?! He's going to kill her! I have to do something!!

I looked around and saw Kakashi. I ran to him.

"Kakashi-sensei! You have to stop this fight! He's going to kill her! I saw on my own eyes what he's capable of-!"

"Just wait, Naruto, we had a reason for being late. Sasaka will prove herself now." Huh? I looked up where Kakashi showed me. Sasaka just ran up the wall. I saw some lighting in her hand. But wait... when Haku died, Kakashi-sensei used the same technique. A technique for killing.

"Kakashi-sensei, can you teach me that too?"

"Okay, try to concentrate your chakra in your hand and make it some shape." I nodded but it was useless. Sasaka ran down the wall with her Chidori.

"Like I'd ever let you kill me! Chidori!!" Yess! She got through his sand.

"Way to go, Sasaka!!" She smiled. But then she noticed her arm was trapped. She pulled it out with force but Gaara snapped again. He screamed.

"You b**ch! What have you done to me?!"

"What is it? You've never seen your own blood?" He has gone crazy and cought Sasaka in his beast arm. She was trapped and he squished her.


"Chidori!!" She got away. I was relieved.

"Don't scare me like this-ttebayo!" Gaara's siblings. I saw them jumping down to interrupt their battle.

"Gaara, you forgot about the plan. It's time to start. We have to go."

"I have to finish her!"

"You'll do that later but you won't last long in this form! It's our mission to destroy this village!" I couldn't hear them from up but Gaara suddenly calmed down. Then they ignored Sasaka and ran away from the stadium. Suddenly others were falling asleep. Same with me so good night...

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