Chapter 13: Powerful nukenin

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The next day others woke up while I couldn't sleep so I was on guard the whole night. That idiot slept so well, I'm envious.

While others were still waking up, I prepared traps for our enemies. Paper bombs, kunais and a lot more. We wanted to find Hyuga's team but now we had to find water and something to eat to even have energy to fight. I sent Sakura to take care of it. I can't trust Naruto. When Sakura was coming back, something felt off.

"Sorry Sasaka, it took me long."

"I see, I'm sorry you had to go alone, Naruto was tired after saving you yesterday's evening."

"That's all right, I owe him in the end." Gotchya. I threw kunai at her.

"W-what are you-?"

"Sakura knows very well Naruto didn't save yet and she wouldn't be grateful to him. This Henge no jutsu is so lame." She frowned.

"Fine! You are right!" A girl with two dumplings at her head appeared.

"You, I saw you with that Hyuga."

"It's Neji and yes, it was him who sent me to steal your scroll."


"He thinks you are not worth of his time."

"Not even me?" He's pretty rude. But I have nothing to say.

"He said it doesn't matter how talented you are as long you are a girl."

"Wow, my sister is an S-rank criminal with that talent. I'm tired of this discrimination." I activated paper bombs.  She summoned something from her scroll that looked like a shield. Not bad.

"Katon: Housenka no jutsu!" Again, the shield protected her. But... that's not all. While she protected her front, I used my traps with kunais which aimed at her back. In the last second she used Kawarimi no jutsu but my sharingan found her immediately. I attacked her from her blind spot. She was motionless now.

"You got me."

"Where's Sakura?"

"She's tied to a tree 100 meters from here. You'll find her with that eyes."

"One more thing, I get that your scroll has your captain but which type is it."

"The scroll of Heaven." The same as us.

"We have the same scroll so I'd appreciate if you wouldn't bother us anymore."

"Heh?! Then my journey was for nothing. I can assure you it's pointless to hunt you when you have the same scroll. Now could you let me go?"

"Just when you are going to take me to Sakura."

"Find her yourself!"

"You tied her so you are also going to untie her. I still don't trust you, you could at least harm Naruto so we lack one teammate. Now go." She frowned at me but did what I said.

But I made one mistake, I left there Naruto alone. He still wasn't able to wake up. Anyone could attack him now which I didn't think about. I get what it means ti be a mother now, taking care of two brats is hard.

"By the way, I'm Tenten and my other teammate is Rock Lee."

"Why are you telling me?"

"You don't seem twice as bad. You said I could get rid of Naruto but at the same time you could get rid of me."

"Don't take me the wrong way. I don't want to have unnecessary problems. If they went for a revenge, I don't think I could handle two guys older than me. And my teammates are useless in fighting."

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