Chapter 26: TS New me

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*2 and a half years later*

Naruto's POV

New day, new mission. Today I'm going with Kakashi-sensei and Ko to look for another pair of nukenins. Ko, an arrogant comrade of mine I have to fullfil my missions with... I hate him so much.

It all started two years ago when after a half year of training and learning Kakashi-sensei finally took me to ANBU. He even left his jonin role again just for my sake.

After one year in ANBU I took the chunin exams again and successfuly became chunin. Another year later, Kakashi-sensei recommended me for jonin. Tsunade-baachan accepted it and named me jonin. Kakashi-sensei was right, all I needed was to learn. I could change theory into practice and become much stronger. Each day I'm closer and closer to find Sasaka.

Also... two years ago I had the honour to meet Itami. While me, Kakashi-sensei and Ko were on the mission, she appeared as an illusion. She already knew Sasaka left the village but was surprised she wasn't with Orochimaru. Now she's doing all she can to find her but I won't allow her to hurt her. It's been two and a half years and we still didn't hear a word from her. I've been frustrated more and more but Sakura helps me a lot with this state. Hinata too.

"Naruto, concentrate! We are almost there!" Said Kakashi-sensei.

"We should let him here or he'll be a burden like the last time!" Said that Jerk.

"Temme! You think you are better just because you are older!"

"That's not all, I became jonin at thirteen which I can't tell about you." I clenched my fists. That purple haired jerk!

"Oi, stop it you two, it's been two years and you are still not able to cooperate. Remember Naruto what I taught you!" Tss.

About Kyuubi, at the beginning at ANBU I was often losing control and that's why Kakashi-sensei's comrade Yamato often went with us to stop my transformation. It happened I hurt Ko and others when I wasn't myself.

"Be quiet you two, I feel their chakra." We stopped. He looked at Ko, he nodded and made hand seals.

"Suiton!" He made a little rain above those nukenins.

"Hey, why is it raining out of sudden?"

"Hyoton!" Ko freezed their bodies with his Kekkei genkai. His techniques are pretty awesome but that's not a reason to act so superior.

"Your turn, Naruto." I nodded. I made two shadow clones that caught the enemies necks and aimed kunais at them.

Kakashi-sensei approached them.

"Now you two, I have a question for you. What were you doing in our village?"

"That's none of your business!"

"Fine then... Sharingan!" Kakashi-sensei put them into his genjutsu to get informations from them. It looks like their goal was to steal our kinjutsu hidden in our safe.

"We got the information, finish them, Naruto." I always have this weird feeling when I'm slicing their throats but after two years here I got used to it.

"You are so slow. Do you still pity your enemies?" Again.

"Oi, even though they are bad, they are still human beings like us!"

"ANBU shouldn't think like that!"

"This time I agree with Ko, Naruto. You don't have to kill are your emotions but pitying your enemies can get you killed. You are very important for this village so think more about that."

Even Kakashi-sensei! But I can't kill my emotions... if I did that, I would stop searching for Sasaka and I can't let that happen. It is still possible Orochimaru will go after her because Ero-sennin found out Orochimaru already had a new body and the time when he should change it is approaching... I pray everyday for her safety but I still didn't find any clue where she could be. The one she chose has to be very dangerous ninja who doesn't make any mistakes. We don't even have him in our Bingo book.

After this mission I decided to go for a ramen. I'm so hungry.

"Sup, idiot!" That purple haired jerk still follows me!

"Oi, we don't have to be together even in civil... I want to rest."

"Come on, don't be like this. I hate you as a ninja because you are a burden but we can be friends in normal life."

"Now you just said you hate me..."

"During missions but not when you don't slow anyone."

"I didn't become jonin for no reason!"

"To be fair, you have a lot of protection. Kakashi-san, Lord Fifth. They all take you as their family. I achieved all this with my own strength."

"Heh..." It looks like I won't get rid of him.

"Naruto! You are back!" Sakura called after me.

"Oh, Sakura! We don't see each other a lot now."

"Yes, I still train hard on my healing..." Ko lifted his hand.

"What do you want?" She asked.

"Just that it's impolite to ignore a person next to your friend. You should learn better manners."

"If you won't kill him, I will, Naruto." She hates him even more than me.

"Like you are able of that, pinky!"

"It's cherry blossom, cherry and my name is Sakura. Remember it finally!"

"Sorry, I would if your name was little more interesting. Also... are you still as weak as the next time? I'm surprised Lord Fifth wastes her time with you."

"What did you say?! Do you want to see how much stronger I got?"

"If you insist, we can go to the training grounds!" My ramen... they dragged me there too.

"Naruto, you'll be the referee." Said Sakura.

"Just make it quick, I'm hungry-ttebayo!"

"Ladies first.“ Sakura smirked. She punched the ground which made Ko jump up.

"Suiton-Hyoton combination!" Ko freezed  the ground Sakura destroyed. Sakura fell down in the ice.

"Such a cheap trick!" Sakura got rid of the ice but while she was distracted Ko used suiton at her. She was all wet.

"Your clothes are heavy now. It will slow you down and I'll win!" She smirked and started taking of her wet clothes. She wore just a sport bra and her short leggings now. Ko blushed. Ho, so he has a weakness. Girls body.

"What is it? You can't look at me? Are you   that shy?"

"S-Shut up! I'm just not used to it!"

"Sure, you saw just naked boys in ANBU."  Sakura took advantage of his distraction and attacked him. With her strong punch he hit a tree and was defeated. Great, now I will make fun of him. Sakura came closer to him.

"Oi, are you okay?" He didn't respond and she started healing him. Lucky jerk.

"Sakura, I can dry your clothes with my fuuton." I said. Yes, Kakashi-sensei taught me everything about chakra natures and thanks to books I learned few Fuuton techniques. The only think I'm unable to do is to combine it with Rasengan. I still work on it but it's still impossible with my chakra and I can't take anything from Kyuubi.

"Thanks, Naruto. I'll be grateful." I nodded and dried her clothes. Then I went finally on the ramen and Sakura took care of him. As I know her, she probably threw him into some pit.

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