iv. over troubled oceans

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iv. over troubled oceans

BY THE TIME Randvi arrived at the docks, the morning sun had begun to cast shades of red and orange across the sky. There was something beautiful about watching the sun rise and set. It were as if time came to a halt, and any thought in your mind vanished. Despite the cold weather, and the bitter wind, the suns light warmed Randvi's face. She let a smile crawl onto her lips, and her eyes shut. The seagulls had begun their cries, their songs echoing across the docks and cobbled streets. For a moment Randvi forgot of her troubles, and felt free. If she could bottle up the sun, and keep its glow in a small jar for when darkness had consumed the sky, she would.


The shout of her name forced Randvi to open her eyes, and let go of the feeling she had been savouring.

"I'm coming!" She shouted back with a groan, readjusting the bag on her shoulder as she began making towards a boat on the docks.

Kaz stood waiting for her at the edge of the docks, resting his weight on his crow handled cane.

Even in the basking light of the morning sun, Kaz looked cold. He had the usual displeased, soured look on his face, as though he were tired of the world. Inej and Jesper were already on the boat, standing and talking to a man wearing circular glasses. Kaz had managed to find the conductor then, either that or he'd found another man willing to try and cheat death.

"You're late." Kaz said.

"You shouldn't have waited around for me." Randvi replied sarcastically, but there was some truth to her words. "I'm perfectly on time. The sun is beginning to rise, and correct me if I'm wrong, that means it is now dawn."

"We were leaving at dawn, not meeting at dawn."

"I'm here, aren't I? And I didn't bring any trouble with me, so be grateful." She said with a smile, making her way across a plank and onto the ship.

Kaz trailed behind, the sound of his cane hitting the wooden decks following her. "Just because I can't see the trouble doesn't mean you haven't brought any."

When Randvi swirled around to face Kaz she was met by his stare. She recognised that look. She'd seen it plenty of times when he was meeting with businessmen, or listening to deals. His eyebrows were furrowed, and his face hollow looking, made worse by the shadows cast across his features by the ships mast.

He was eyeing her with suspicion.

He couldn't know, surely. How was he supposed to know Pekka had visited her? Had Inej been hidden somewhere in the shadows? Had she seen Randvi shake the hand of Kaz's sworn enemy? It was impossible, she was just reading into his words too much, but still the feeling of dread began to consume her.

She felt her body grow heavy, and heart race. Randvi opened her mouth to speak several times, but each time words failed her. What if Kaz did know she had struck a deal with Pekka? All she could wish was that he'd be merciful and give her a quick death.

A SEER'S SOLACE ,  KAZ BREKKERWhere stories live. Discover now