liii. a pirates life for me

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liii. a pirates life for me
— Kaz

          "ALL SAINTS," JESPER said. "So I guess that went well?"

"About as well as expected,"

Kaz's limp was worse than ever, every step he took was unbearable. He could only see out of one eye, the cuts on his face stung and the bruises throbbed. He looked like death, but he had made it and successfully overthrown Per Haskell. In his absence Kaz had left a skeleton crew, fearful word of his coup would spread and someone would make a territory grab.

He waved off Anika and Pim, who had accompanied he and Randvi back to the hotel. Randvi had survived unscathed, only the blood of Varian dripping from her clothes. She claimed she was fine, but Kaz was the glimmer of something else in her eyes.

Did I destroy your life? She'd asked him. Kaz wasn't sure what Van Eck had told Randvi, but Kaz would give him a wound he could never heal for what he'd done.

Matthias shook his head. "How many lives do you have, demjin?"

"One more, I hope."

Kaz had wriggled out of his coat and managed to yank off his shirt, leaning on the sink in the bathroom. He could see Matthias lingering awkwardly around Randvi, torn between scolding her and asking if she were okay.

"For Saints' sake, let us help you," said Nina.

Kaz gripped the end of a bandage in his teeth and tore off a piece. "I don't need your help. Keep working with Colm."

Nina grumbled and walked away, wrapping her arm around Randvi and leading her elsewhere with talk of waffles and hot tea.


A little more than an hour later, Inej had slipped into the room and handed him a note. It was late afternoon and the windows of the suite were ablaze with buttery gold light.

"Are they coming?" asked Nina.

Inej nodded. "I gave your letter to the guard at the door, and it did the trick. They brought me directly to two members of the Triumvirate."

"What's the Triumvirate?" Randvi asked, her eyes staring out at the golden light flooding the windows.

"Genya Safin and Zoya Nazyalensky. Two powerful Grisha."

Wylan sat forward. "The Tailor? She's at the embassy?"

Kaz raised a brow. "What an interesting fact to forget to mention, Nina."

"It wasn't relevant at the time."

"Of course it's relevant!" Wylan said angrily.

Nina winced slightly. "Wylan, I thought you were coming to Ravka. You would have been able to meet Genya as soon as we were on the boat."

A SEER'S SOLACE ,  KAZ BREKKERWhere stories live. Discover now