xiv. the soldier and the fjerdan

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xiv. the soldier and the fjerdan
– Randvi

KAZ PLAYED ON Randvi's mind non stop. Every time she closed her eyes, she could see his murky brown eyes staring back at her, taunting her. It did not seem to matter how much she tried to forget him, or push him from her mind, he always found a way to creep back in.

Randvi spent hours thinking back to all the times they'd spent together. She thought of the times they had sat in silence in his attic room in the Slat, staring out over the rooftops of Ketterdam talking about their hopes and ambitions. She thought to the time she had taken Kaz to a café run by an elderly Fjerdan woman, and forced Kaz to try a slice of walnut cake.

She even missed the lectures and proverbs Inej would give her at every rash decision she made. She missed sleeping with Inej in her box room when the nightmares became too much to handle alone. She missed Jesper's jokes, his cocky grin, and the bets they'd always make.

But mostly she missed Kaz. The way his smelt, the rasp of his voice, and his sour expression. She missed the way he mocked her, and all the jibes he threw her way. Randvi would have given up everything to see him again, only he'd have never done the same for her.

The sun had risen and set countless times, making Randvi loose track of time. In a way, it worked in her favour. With each passing day, the hope that Kaz would come for her withered away, until one day it would vanish. She tried to tell herself the crows were buying their time, waiting for the right moment, but she knew it were nothing more than a lie.

Randvi had never really been a crow, or one of them, so why would they have come for her? Kaz only cared for himself and his crows, not Randvi.

Her body ached from the position she was forced into her, and from the exhaustion of clinging to lost hope. She had been tracing circles around her palm for hours, a voice trying to convince her to use her power on herself, but she had yet to find the courage.

The sound of rattling chains came from the other side of the tent. The sound was relentless, and had been going on for far too long, beginning to grind at Randvi. If this were the place she'd spend her last days, the least she wanted was for it to be peaceful.

"You can pull at the irons all you want but they won't break." Randvi called out with a groan, stretching her legs out in front of her. "Not unless you have some sort of super human strength, or are a fabrikator."

The rattling did not stop, instead it just grew louder and clumsier. If she hadn't been so far away she would have swung out at whoever was making the noise.

"Will you quit it?!"

"No! I have to get to Alina." Said a boy defiantly.

Randvi scoffed to herself, rolling her eyes at the name. "Ah yes. The sun summoner who has come to save us all. All hail Sankta Alina." She spat sarcastically.

A SEER'S SOLACE ,  KAZ BREKKERWhere stories live. Discover now